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    Usa "tacky" in una frase

    tacky frasi di esempio


    1. A sterile and tacky cafeteria room

    2. Tacky and tasteless are the themes here

    3. The trucks rumble on through the suburban outskirts of Abu Jeba, heading toward the faraway city with it’s plethora of irrigated date palms, ostentatious skyline, it’s tacky, marble festooned buildings

    4. Dress was seldom tacky or dirty

    5. 3 Snow Globes – Though at first glance these might look like somewhat tacky, but innocent, souvenirs

    6. When I got to that large intersection surrounded by wonderfully tacky roadside Americana, I did not see the light change and this poor lady with a car full of kids ran right into me

    7. The tacky red and gold floral pressed against his cheek

    8. There were two people at the counter in tacky green uniforms with odd little ties

    9. Too thick, the ink would become tacky and stick to the die

    10. “Damn! That’s one tacky statue! And misdelivered! It’s meant for my surly and insubordinate subordinate Wemb! There’s only one thing to do, my friend!”

    11. There behind the counter was Diamond in a tacky mustard yellow dress and hat, handing out hot dogs

    12. the Lake of Fire, the same rows of limestone columns plastered with tacky

    13. “That’s a fire exit but also used to bring in supplies and staff so nothing goes through the reception rooms during an event---such activity would be tacky and unseemly

    14. Sam and JY had been on Joe Billie‘s trail two hours and the big man‘s clothes were sweat-soaked, clinging to him like tacky tape

    15. Here is a vintage view of a tacky infomercial from the 80's ;)

    16. up their tacky little apartments and trailers on their hands and knees, his choice of her

    17. The tacky red shutters looked out of kilter

    18. “ Style and taste is in the eye of the beholder and your lack thereof is on the smarmy side of tacky, Dearie! ” An itch I couldn’t scratch

    19. The display in the window screamed New Age, in a way that was tacky and overblown

    20. The bars and clubs although tacky by North European standards, had created over night millionaires for the entrepreneurs who tapped into this growing tourist phenomenon

    21. It was not tacky but very eye catching, and Roger informed her the friezes glowed deliciously under the disco lights

    22. It was tacky, stupid and annoying, but to most people completely harmless

    23. On the row next to him was a rotating display of tacky kids’ toys, a cheap ploy to try and get the parents who couldn’t stand another minute of their kids whining to buy some piece of crap to try and shut them up

    24. These were not tacky images for the manipulation of peasants, but reflections of intrinsic beauty

    25. He was staying at the Sequoia Inn, the town's one tacky

    26. The Magic Balti restaurant was one of those typical tacky Indian restaurants that had sprung up all over England in the past twenty years

    27. Streaks of tacky blood matted the grass

    28. Its hair, filthy with the rotting, tacky entrails of previous meals, was crawling with cockroaches

    29. "Great," Scott said, letting the tacky rock fall from his fingers

    30. It was tacky but he held baptisms in it for his TV show

    31. She was a tacky little voyeur poking about the Internet, digging up photos of Ziggy’s father

    32. Every secret fear that Madeline had ever had about her own flaws (she was obviously too quick to anger, often too quick to judge, overly interested in clothes, spent far too much money on shoes, thought she was cute and funny when perhaps she was just annoying and tacky) was now at the forefront of her mind

    33. When he said things like that, she heard, You’re cheap and tacky

    34. The place was ironic, not tacky

    35. ” associated with were your mother and Miss Melly and neither seems to have made any “Melly! Why she’s as plain as an old shoe and her clothes always look tacky and she never has two words to say for herself!”

    36. The carpet in the hallway was stained and tacky, like someone might have bled his or her way home after a knife fight

    37. Oh, spare me your remarks about her poverty and her tacky clothes

    38. ” A prescription slip, edged in tacky blue

    39. Our first stop was a pawnshop on Polk called Gold ’n’ Things, a shop piled high with outdated electronics and musical instruments, and a half-dozen glass cases filled with tacky bling

    40. It would be tacky to get an electronic message while she was in the middle of a session

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    Sinonimi per "tacky"

    brassy cheap flash flashy garish gaudy gimcrack loud meretricious tacky tatty tawdry trashy shoddy shabby common flimsy poor ordinary