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    Utiliser "those" dans une phrase

    those exemples de phrases


    1. I might have spent it a little more slowly without her, but you know those sandals you bought me in Zharvai?"

    2. He looked too stunned to speak, it was Ava who said, "But you wore those sandals, I couldn't have lost an aluminum there, even if I had been carrying one around, and I don't think I've ever carried an aluminum on my person," Ava said

    3. "I wore those a long time after Kulai's office," he said, and to shadier places, he didn't say

    4. Those memories of the day he learned she had been an electric ghost were still painful for both of them

    5. those qualities, characteristics, and traits that belong to

    6. Those who walked with God in Leviticus knew

    7. Those who walked with God in Numbers knew

    8. Those who walked with God in Deuteronomy

    9. Those are the ABCs of Success

    10. For those that don’t know,

    11. Solomon Browne was despatched to save those aboard the Union Star freighter that had flooded engines and ripped its anchor chain

    12. those who believe that times of supernatural acts of God

    13. those things in the beginning, to introduce Himself to

    14. Moreover, there are those

    15. now discouraging those who still putting their trust in

    16. Do you see how those four words: can't, always, never, and try, start out as thoughts in your head and then they become real because you say them, you declare them and you bring them into existence

    17. When you use those

    18. this can be if you use those two little words, followed by a negative

    19. Moreover, God used those two kings to blessed

    20. But use all of them in the positive, optimistic, outgoing, influential way that those words should be used

    21. thoughts, that you want to have, and reading those thoughts and turning

    22. Those with money and power in the community are able to hire protection

    23. Those who don’t, well… already you are seeing the rise of different branches of religions, a smattering of what we currently call “cults

    24. When you do that, those two things happen; your brain begins to say, “Okay, got it, calculating and

    25. It took a long time, it took a lot of energy, it took money, it took commitment, it took integrity, it took focus, it took a lot of things that are a challenge, but I embraced those challenges

    26. You will achieve those steps consistently

    27. When you're achieving those steps, mark them off

    28. He and Leand used to troll for maidens at the Stone Seaside in those days

    29. becomes a reality not only to me but also to those around

    30. living that life is nothing more than creating goals, achieving those goals, and doing that over and over and over again

    31. Those guys are putting their lives on the line

    32. “What happens with those missing people?” he asks

    33. My parents never told me about this, of course, until I was fifteen, but I remember Mom being really afraid that Dad wouldn’t come home during those days

    34. Moreover, until recently, feelings of sexuality and sexual need among those over 60 years of age might be cause for guilt feelings, based on the culturally constructed assumption that people were supposed to "mature out of" sexual interest and become sexual neuters as they entered into their so-called "golden years

    35. Have you noticed that those two part dramas beginning on Sunday

    36. activity? How can I use my time more effectively in order to create and live the life I want? How about those little times that we talked about, like putting something in the microwave

    37. If your goal is to lose twenty pounds, please don't drive around the parking lot wasting those minutes looking for the closest parking spot

    38. Instead of spending those couple minutes driving around waiting for

    39. But one minute more and one minute less over the course of a year, adding all of those additional steps into your routine, makes a huge difference

    40. Those eyes used to have conviction, a purpose

    41. "If either one of them wanted to leave with those papers," Ava said, "they could have done so a year ago

    42. "Ava said those papers were of little importance

    43. moments in our life and we corresponded those moments with other

    44. If you're using it to better your life and you’re making the lives of those around you better in the process, that’s not selfish

    45. · To dwell more on pleasant things rather than unpleasant things, like comparing with less fortunate than with those who are born with silver spoons in their mouth

    46. With the insignia from his uniform he has the money to finance a family to raise and train a child to be my shadow, a child who has been trained to do nothing but zero in on those papers

    47. "It is likely the only reason she bought this house is to go after those papers," Herndon said, his lips tight

    48. "We've removed those maps to a safe place," he said

    49. How do you know what to do during those times? You have a specific

    50. If you have a goal that is specific and you have specific action steps that you know you need to take, have a to do list of those action items

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