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    smashing Beispielsätze


    1. She thought about smashing her head into the mirror beside her

    2. A goon in my house smashing things with a baseball bat

    3. He had his back to me as I walked in and the tattoo on the back of his neck was right there to be seen, just as it was the night before when he was smashing our home to bits

    4. That would be in the real world of debt of course, not in this fantasy world of twisted, evil, leg-breaking and furniture smashing debt

    5. The Team India Cricket Shop opened with the smashing of a coconut on the

    6. smashing it against the wall

    7. Heather pushed the coats to one side and stepped in, smashing the shoes

    8. against them, sometimes misdirecting movement by smashing two of them

    9. The holidays were a smashing success; Harold was a very enjoyable addition to their celebrations

    10. To Emily's right, the forest exploded as a massive buck burst from the woods, his rack of horns smashing aside anything that obstructed his path

    11. With Father straining at the helm to keep their ship from smashing against sheer walls of granite, Nerissa flung stone after stone

    12. books and write a smashing essay

    13. ” As she finished, there was a smashing sound from the entrance area

    14. Tons of ice fell in large boulders, smashing and covering furniture

    15. “I’m over the moon for the pair of you you’re a smashing couple made for one another so don’t ever let each other go and you keep your head down out there” and I saw a shadow pass behind her eyes

    16. He yanked out every tome, flinging it across the room, ripping, tearing, smashing everything he could find

    17. road to sell his own program he was a smashing success

    18. The ship moved, accelerating at an incredible rate, so that a crushing force came smashing

    19. I could tell by his vicious determination, tearing down trees and smashing boulders just to get within feet of me, right before God would strike him down through the power of Grandpa’s voice, “HEY, GET OUTTA HERE!!”

    20. Instead, I investigated a few of the prickly pods that had fallen from the chestnuts trees, smashing them the rest of the way open with my stick (I had learned that this was the best way to avoid getting poked) and, carefully, I removed a few big chestnuts, unfolded my knife, skinned the shell off, and crunched on them as I headed towards the raspberry patch

    21. His eyes widened and he leaped backwards, smashing into the guards who did not yet understand the ramifications of the broken glass

    22. Furniture was sent flying and smashing all about the halls and all of the windows in all of the buildings imploded, showering glass all over the commotion and inhabitants

    23. When Gonzalez had been slammed against the wall, he’d fallen backwards, his left hand smashing through the coffee table, tearing a large gash in his arm

    24. Jack raised an eyebrow, and the vision of Jack’s whip smashing down on the young boy’s arm enveloped her mind

    25. The man’s been smashing away at us for a couple of years now

    26. " Smashing at the plastic cover had little effect - apart from creating a couple of small cracks and a few extra scratches - so I pushed the end of the crowbar between the cover and the chrome-plated metal frame

    27. On reaching the lane, Alistair put his foot down and the tractor accelerated away, smashing us into the chimney with a sickening thud

    28. Frank turned back towards the counter, smashing his cup against the tiles, punching the wall until the plasterboard broke and his knuckles streamed with blood

    29. Smashing through the perspex canopy, it hit him in the temple, ripping a chunk of bone from his eye-socket

    30. Norman’s news had hit the men like a hurricane smashing apart the foundations of a town

    31. Around them, everyone could hear the tell-tale characteristics of rockets smashing into the walls of the building

    32. But right now with riots and explosions erupting outside and rocket attacks smashing apart the building things did not look promising at all

    33. They say that the car tumbled for more than a thousand feet before smashing into a rock

    34. Brownie, with the force of his dreamtime ancestors surrounding him in spirit, raised his left leg and kicked another opponent in the head, sending him smashing to a floor soaked in spilt beer

    35. The boat shifted on the water and a chasm carved into the mountain came into view, and on it stood the bull man, and on it stood Archmagio, and our tiny boat wrecked itself, smashing into that jagged and broken rock

    36. Within moments, Adu had cleared his way through the tables, smashing glasses and brushing aside stunned customers

    37. fist, then sent it smashing into the metal of the dock

    38. It swayed and fell over, smashing into pieces at the feet of the man

    39. where they stood, smashing into thousands of fragments on the

    40. the man’s neck as he flew through the air, smashing his head

    41. gushed down the street, smashing into houses and shops, ripping them to pieces and

    42. forests and smashing houses to pieces

    43. over, smashing the ornaments on top to pieces

    44. which crashed over the tank, sweeping him off his feet and smashing him back into the

    45. The Empire had a strict limit on how much weaponry peasants were permitted to own and carry, and the rebels were smashing the limit to little bits

    46. The car careered towards the gate, forcing the guard at the last minute to flip up his metal barrier for fear of smashing his beloved outpost and then they were gone in a trail of dust; the Aston could definitely shift

    47. gurney, and began smashing his fists into her corpse

    48. I closed my eyes and turned around – promptly smashing myself into a flesh-and-blood wall

    49. I saw the one called Sekeem, obviously the leader, lifting his cane before smashing it against the floor with great force

    50. then begins smashing the computer with his

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    shattering smashing bang-up bully corking cracking dandy great groovy keen neat nifty not bad old peachy slap-up swell breaking smash collision blow collapse ruin