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stratosphere Beispielsätze
1. Yet with the age of Aquarius—ego no longer holds The focus; but rather the entire social stratosphere is Born out of the unconscious: a coming of Capricorn’s Use of the perfection of science only found in the Collective unconscious reveals itself through history
2. Added to this we can now also consider the layer of water in the stratosphere
3. Now to recreate a scenario where we have a substantial body or layer of water that would be suspended in the stratosphere or above the Earth’s atmosphere, we would obviously have some forces working on it
4. Her imagination was into the stratosphere, wildly conjuring deceitful plots and terrifying images of the madmen behind the curtain, in the closet, under the bed and in every shadow
5. She realised his capture would launch her career into the stratosphere of importance within MI5, she would defiantly get that promotion now and nothing was going to stop her getting that illusive directorship
6. He started to bring up the nose, and put in a little power, gliding in through the stratosphere
7. I told him to keep it up, that moral support from him is just what that little girl needs to hit the stratosphere
8. The sun-climate hypothesis said that tiny variations in the sun’s irradiance were amplified into major climate changes on Earth by at least two factors: 1) cosmic rays creating more or fewer of the low, cooling clouds in the Earth’s atmosphere; and 2) solar-driven ozone changes in the stratosphere
9. I have led a very ordinary real-world life on the outside, accomplishing many things, none of which have catapulted me into the stratosphere of my early dreams
10. accomplishing many things, none of which have catapulted me into the stratosphere of my
11. by on it, as long as we don't try to live too high in the stratosphere
12. and junk that you have littered the stratosphere with
13. The terminal controlled a system within the Stratosphere designed by the Empire
14. In what had once been a circular restaurant within the top of the Stratosphere, dozens of human vampires sat at the many tables waiting for Ishan to address them
15. It has sent the boundless availability of information, and entertainment into the stratosphere
16. The fourth and final stage soon ignited properly as its small payload was already past the limits of Earth’s stratosphere
17. Once high in the stratosphere, the XC-200 will drop the SPS-10A, which will then light up its own rocket engines and climb into orbit
18. Turbofans now showing signs of choking on the thin air of the stratosphere
19. The fiery storm mostly abated a few minutes later, as the space plane slowed down to more reasonable speeds below 14,000 kilometers per hour and lowered to an altitude of 48,000 meters, just short of the stratosphere
20. Ingrid then ran into a frustrating problem: as soon as she raised the nose of her space plane in order to brake it further, she felt her SPS-10A bounce hard on the upper layers of the stratosphere
21. It seems that my space plane is actually too good as an hypersonic glider: I bounced clean off the stratosphere as soon as I raised the nose up
22. This phenomenon is called ‘atmosphere skipping’ and you will probably skip hard a number of times before being able to slip under the stratosphere
23. Twenty-eight minutes and thirteen skips later, Ingrid was finally able to ease down her over performing space plane through the stratosphere
24. My mind soaring in multiple directions in the stratosphere while toiling under an old pickup truck, trying desperately to fix a seized starter, while the authorities watched, applying maximum psychological pressure
25. high up in the stratosphere
26. troposphere and the even drier stratosphere
27. Is the Stratosphere Threatened?
28. This generally occurs on flights near the poles and when the stratosphere lowers in
29. stratosphere can linger for months or years
30. generation of jets is designed to fly higher, heading into the stratosphere more often
31. aircraft flying in the stratosphere
32. And there is another thing which I would like to mention: that which we notionally call “Noo-Sphere” (SSAA-AASS-FF), — meaning by this multiple-meaning term some “noo-time” energy-information different-qualitative dynamics of UU-VVU-Forms and UU-VVU-copies of ODS, that very vaguely resemble projection functions of the energy-information base of TEC or VEC that includes absolutely all events that reflect the individual rotation Cycle of this collective Consciousness of “humankind”, — is not located somewhere in the biosphere, ionosphere or stratosphere
33. stratosphere of the superrich,”(15) her biographer Sarah Bradford says
34. Is living on this planet we call Earth, is living on a suspended round rock ball only 8 thousand miles in diameter, 24 thousand miles in circumference, with a stratosphere of only 25 miles before space begins, covered in water, grass, vegetation, mountains, sand, buildings and people, floating around the depths of inner and outer space, really that natural? Does this scenario of reality even make sense, or have we just become conditioned, familiar and used to it, perhaps even taking it for granted?
35. He felt again the pressure of the space and the silence, the acres of marble stretching out on all sides and the ceiling and the staircase soaring away into the stratosphere over his head
36. As Lord of Heat, my stratosphere is now set in place
37. where it lodged itself in the stratosphere, and thereafter followed a monthly cycle where it
38. stratosphere until all I could see and sense around and above me was the growing tree,
39. Paul had a mentor, a man who had single-handedly ensured that Quinn + Scott jumped into the stratosphere, a man who took chartered flights and stayed in expensive hotel rooms thanks to Paul’s Centurion American Express card
40. Conscious that the human organism, normally capable of sustaining an atmospheric pressure of 1 9 tons, when elevated to a considerable altitude in the terrestrial atmosphere suffered with arithmetical progression of intensity, according as the line of demarcation between troposphere and stratosphere was approximated from nasal hemorrhage, impeded respiration and vertigo, when proposing this problem for solution, he had conjectured as a working hypothesis which could not be proved impossible that a more adaptable and differently anatomically constructed race of beings might subsist otherwise under Martian, Mercurial, Veneral, Jovian, Saturnian, Neptunian or Uranian sufficient and equivalent conditions, though an apogean humanity of beings created in varying forms with finite differences resulting similar to the whole and to one another would probably there as here remain inalterably and inalienably attached to vanities, to vanities of vanities and to all that is vanity
41. Like spacecraft that pick up speed as they rise into the Earth’s stratosphere, growth stocks often seem to defy gravity
42. greed) has launched us (myself included) into a stratosphere flowing with giddy enthusiasm and unreasonable expectations of entitlement
43. The way in which satellite technology has come down from the stratosphere into our ordinary lives is why I place satellites on this list
44. Paint the compound with a laser and let the flyboys drop something nasty from the stratosphere
45. Eventually one of the photos would even end up on the cover of the first issue of Playboy, thereby launching that magazine into the stratosphere as well
46. You should never use a strategy with a downside risk much higher than the overall market’s downside risk, except on those very rare occasions when their performance is so fantastic that it pushes the Sharpe ratio into the stratosphere