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    Use "adherence" in a sentence

    adherence example sentences


    1. a guarantee that it is made in adherence to the highest world standards

    2. So, in adherence to some kind of perverse morality, these little menaces were never deployed as a long-range offensive weapon

    3. Demanding dogmatic adherence to orders and procedure was a sure way to create traitors

    4. Caution and adherence to the accepted routine needed to be used each time

    5. It was a sign of reverent servitude and deference, which was in fact nothing less than proper adherence to protocol

    6. and adherence to it that made America the greatest nation on

    7. So, what are we to make of the biblical flood story? Is it a portion of the “history of a people” as I posited in the beginning of the introduction? A story of their “origins” or was it meant to illustrate a moral principle, the “rewards of adherence and consequences of resistance” to the precepts that it was there to teach? It seems that it is a good fit into all of these categories, but which one would have been the most important reason for its retelling over the many hundreds of years? It would appear that the moral lesson of what happens to people who obey as against what happens to those who don’t would be the larger meaning that it was meant to impress, as it was handed down from an older generation to the younger

    8. However, their version of the one God hovers remotely over them, requiring only slavish adherence to ritualistic practices, at the center of which is a huge polished black stone (of possible meteoritic origin) that was also at the center of their pre-Islamic pagan ancestry

    9. also insisted on adherence to it by others

    10. Was there a “traditionalist” view in that ancient time that insisted on adherence to a one-world view of life called “Nature,” wherein unseen animal Essences somehow directed the flow of all life?

    11. Even more selfish is the individual who purposefully seeks personal gain at the expense and pain of those others who have trusted in his or her adherence

    12. Most evil of all is the denial of the belief that undergirds the philosophy that provides the benefits of adherence to that covenant, and denies the Author and Finisher of that greatest of all agreements

    13. Jacob was satisfied only once Joseph vowed total adherence to Jacobs wishes, regarding the treatment of his remains

    14. adherence to those principles

    15. strangled, he said, 12 A great favour you place on us, O tyrant, by enabling us to manifest our adherence to the law by means of

    16. Adherence to the principles of developing

    17. America"s success can be attributed to a free will national adherence to Christian ethics, values and morals

    18. Somewhere over the past 20 to 25 years --- ‘Military Policy’ has shifted away from adherence to the Founders’ perspectives

    19. Consistency --- Being firm and steadfast in adherence to principles and a pattern of behavior

    20. Integrity --- adherence to moral and ethical principles --- the soundness of moral character and honesty

    21. He does not realize that our constitution defines the best government in the world and adherence to it would solve our financial problems

    22. bear farms legal within Korea, but they are rarely inspected or monitored for adherence

    23. 11 With his breath so confined and his body strangled he said 12 A great favour you place on us O tyrant by enabling us to manifest our adherence to the law by means of nobler sufferings

    24. only to an adherence to the laws of life and to an attentive listening to the Personal

    25. Having support designated as work flows and work tools would obviously help better execute job processes, use of inputs, adherence to governance, and promoting feedback

    26. Understanding of and adherence to these policies and procedures is a

    27. invocations and exact adherence to external forms of the Roman Church

    28. 1 The next great problem with which this God-man wrestled and which he presently decided in accordance with the will of the Father in heaven, concerned the question as to whether or not any of his superhuman powers should be employed for the purpose of attracting the attention and winning the adherence of his fellow men

    29. At this time there were only about one hundred disciples who had the moral courage to brave the opposition of the Pharisees and openly declare their adherence to Jesus

    30. It is then that parents and peers exert the greatest pressure for gender role adherence

    31.  Strict adherence to constitutional penalties for

    32. Yet some men's beliefs – or anti-beliefs - stand like statues, monuments celebrating their stubborn adherence to marble ideals in a desert world of shifting sand

    33. a difference among Islam is the adherence of shariah law, laws which

    34. Surah 61 emphasizes the importance of adherence to the messen-

    35. To monitor your progression and adherence to the established activities,

    36. But, if Hitler’s decisive campaign of the war was to have any chance of success then it would require strict adherence to the original plan and the methodical execution of each phase of the operation

    37. For he told us of the emptiness of their lives, their adherence to the rules of the temple, but no one or nothing cared about them or made any difference in their life, and supposing they didn’t know of any true power; but this Jesus that they’d heard about did

    38. absolute risk is reconciled by a strong adherence to the principles of leverage

    39. While adherence to

    40. However, among academics, there is a righteous adherence to what is termed

    41. Back in the 1990s, adherence to the principle of increasing all three components

    42. patience and strict adherence to his will, anyone that possesses the

    43. could be required to independently verify adherence to the same income limits as those imposed on Americans

    44. However, resistance to new ideas and blind adherence to official tactics and doctrines were still major scourges in the United States Army Air Forces

    45. eras have felt confident in such adherence -- now find their plans enmeshed in

    46. Those rules might take at least seven lifetimes to digest and yet we have tried to follow them all, in every situation! And after extensive study and research at great personal cost, it can be written here in black and white, without excuse; that adherence to all the rules has left us confused, frustrated, knackered and even slightly paranoid

    47. Just as slavish, mindless adherence to Aristotelian and Christian tradition retarded the progress of science for centuries, so too is the false doctrine of materialism retarding the progress of science at the present time

    48. that monitor performance, ensure adherence to compliance regulations and

    49. Larry Hite described his conversation with a friend who couldn’t understand his absolute adherence to a mechanical trading system

    50. adherence to the monastic rules set down by Buddha, but the Sixth

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    Synonyms for "adherence"

    adherence adhesion attachment adhesiveness bond cohesion union unity coherence integration

    "adherence" definitions

    faithful support for a cause or political party or religion

    the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition