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    Use "chick" in a sentence

    chick example sentences


    1. “They are losers, who stupidly make do with 140,000 drachmas a month; they are cyphers, all of them!” she cries pompously and goes on with an air of profundity: “A businessman wants to earn as much as possible, this is natural! He will pay you as little as he can, unless you prove to him you deserve to be given something more!” … “A clever businessman will hire a secretary who will work for him for a month or so ''on trial'', then he will tell her she is incompetent and he will fire her without paying her a dime; then he will hire another stupid chick who will work for him for another month without payment, then another one will take her place, and so on, until he finds the one who will satisfy him fully” harangues Diana, showing her admiration for bosses

    2. scattering chick down in thin, sticky layers on rusting welds

    3. “How come he can’t have that chick on the other end of his cell phone use

    4. Wait till you hear this, this chick you’re traveling with is MIGHTY on yandrille

    5. Inside the hinge and latch door of this mini chicken resort, he would set a small tray of baby chick feed, and an upside-down jar of water that would trickle out into a round dish for them to drink from and splash in

    6. This was my 2nd favorite thing to do, because while feeding, if I was careful and gentle, then I would be able to hold a baby chick

    7. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t love baby animals?! So, anyway, there I was, standing on top Grandma’s good dinner table chair, right up next to the counter, reaching in with curious little fingers, tongue sticking out in concentration, trying to grab the one baby chick that “chirped at me

    8. "Come on, chick, chick

    9. It was smashed at one end, and as he turned it over, a half-formed chick fell out onto his palm

    10. Frank knew that he should put the half-formed chick out of its misery, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it

    11. So he just watched helplessly, tearfully, as the chick slowly died

    12. In reality, Frank had run home that day, doing his best to push the experience from his mind: but in his nightmare, the chick had clung tenaciously to his palm, and no matter how hard he had tried, he just couldn’t shake it off

    13. A foxy black chick in a business suit sat behind a desk

    14. Rocky holed up with a chick

    15. Dom collared the chick in the stairwell, and dangled her

    16. Nelson with a hippie chick got out

    17. My birthday is coming up and she said she is going to give me that thing I have been asking her for, for the past six months – you believe that Brian? This chick has made me wait six months to sleep with her,” Randal said incredulously – which even pissed me off more

    18. How’s life at the chick table … Chick?” I asked him, since he sat with all girls that included his sister and her friends

    19. And Gina was this knockout hot chick that bragged about her virginity to everybody when a lot of girls bragged about what kind of sluts they were

    20. He didn’t want his chick to be too excited over my skillz, is what it was

    21. Anyway, kid, she is the hottest bald chick you have ever seen in your entire life

    22. “Excuse me,” I said to a thick brown skinned chick in the group who reminded me of Countess Vaughn from The Parkers

    23. The chick turned around to answer and I could tell immediately that she liked what she saw

    24. One time I saw a chick sitting on a bus stop bench and I was thinking about how hot and sexy her legs were looking

    25. I knew that this chick wouldn’t leave me alone until I took her number, so fuck it

    26. For example, I know there is one of these hot chick -ugly guy couples at my church

    27. And another ugly dude-hot chick couple that owned a coffee shop together, but the point is: they are out there

    28. While I sat on the bus alone, I wondered: why is that hot older girl with that ugly, dumpy, geeky looking guy? – And I’m not talking about the geeky looking dudes that are loaded with cash! That’s a no brainer, I’m talking about the hot chick with the ugly dude and the dude is driving in a beater car

    29. I told Blazin', “Witty Dee’s here with his chick … and Chi girl will be up here later

    30. “Not Khevas, the chick I met out in NYC

    31. “Don’t worry about it bro, that one chick was smooth … smooth as ice … she had a nice ass,” he said with a lecherous grin

    32. ” After I had caught an eyeful, I extricated myself from the porno shop and began my quest for that neon green socked, high heeled chick as, “The freaks come out at night,” rang through my head

    33. “This chick hid the keys behind the wheel, is she fucking crazy!” Junya

    34. The four of us were singing “Tromenenz” in parody as loud and hip as we could while passersby watched with smiles; even the hot Bimbo-ed out chick had smiled at us – she probably didn’t know we were busting on her

    35. I can’t really even call it a top rock just yet, he was just dancing, but he was circling around the cypher, staring down all of the Hip Hop Breakers- meanwhile some random spectator chick tapped me on my shoulder, and in an annoyingly chipper tone said, “Hey can you do the wave? … Do the wave!” and if she wasn’t chipper enough, she picked up her chipperness and added, “… that’ll show them, do a wave, and then you guys will win,” she said with high eyebrows and an over bit-horse toothed smile while moving her arms like a cheerleader would have or maybe she was pop-wavin’

    36. A few shoes had fallen as he had walked over towards us when some chick who had been hanging with the HHB’s all night, helped pick up the strays

    37. They didn’t have a real hostess here, just a chick that pointed to a table and took the money

    38. There sat the cops, speaking to a hippy chick with ribbons braided in her hair and a long shapeless dress covering her thin body

    39. Dad replied, “Isn’t that a chick flick? I don’t go for them, but I’m sure Molly’s seen it

    40. For me, it was like a chick flick double feature

    41. “Man, I used to have nightmares about this chick as a child,” I said

    42. “The reason why guys die is because they think they're talking to a hot chick and then she catches them off guard

    43. Add celery, carrots, parsnips, chick peas, wine, chicken broth, tomato sauce, orange zest, segments and juice, and cumin

    44. He felt like Dorian Grey, and considered changing his name to Dorian, but that chick with the dough had other plans

    45. Heck, all I said was that you are a nice looking chick

    46. at the shell breaks the shell from within and liberates the chick

    47. chick in its shell, out of this very attitude will come the crisis

    48. A chick needs the shell to

    49. ” He said and I glanced at them again “My friend has always been a chick magnet

    50. “You"re kind of a fucked up chick, aren"t

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    Synonyms for "chick"

    biddy chick bird dame doll skirt wench baby bird game poultry

    "chick" definitions

    young bird especially of domestic fowl

    informal terms for a (young) woman