Use "insincere" in a sentence
insincere example sentences
1. Torbin, thankfully, didn’t waste any time for insincere pleasantries
2. This is the message Republicans should be sending; rather than engaging in awkward, half-hearted overtures that are oftentimes perceived as transparent and insincere
3. Apartheid in South Africa may last longer, and Reagan's failed and ultimately hypocritical and insincere policy of constructive engagement may not even be attempted as it was in the 1980s
4. Not wishing to be emperor, he tried to mimic the style of Augustus but was seen as insincere
5. When we got to the door she gave me an insincere smile and said, “Don’t hurry back,” then shut the door without waiting for a reply
6. and I did always view them as being somehow insincere in the way
7. But do I give a shit if my motives are insincere and non-
8. Further, the insincere discussant, by continually questioning the validity of his opponent’s facts, can press that opposing debater to be defensive
9. They both went into a laughing fit that stopped only to restart as they looked at one another and recalled part of the girls' reaction to the story or to his insincere flattery of Brandi
10. Later, I wrote a letter to Michael (a letter that could be intercepted by the Tarrant County Screw Censors) and made a very insincere apology for the fact that my private email to Madame CD had been publicly published without my express written permission--I did not apologize for stating the truthful fact that the Bush Bastards are god damned petty vindictive Republicans and I never will apologize for the personal characteristics of the scumbag Bush Bastards!
11. Bill: This is the world famous insincere Republican apology letter
12. Bill: For the final time, I must explain to the gentle reader that my insincere apology was written to take the heat off Michael
13. every outing, but today, they sounded insincere to her own ears
14. Legless, armless, missing genitals… all were maimed, but on Monday afternoons for a few hours they threw off their fear of ridicule and no one pitied them or wept insincere tears… here they were normal men again
15. Spencer, age seventeen, involved with several young starlets with the pictures to prove it, nude photos came across your news feed featuring best new artist and a leaked letter of apology felt a little insincere
16. It is to be sweet but not insincere, because you want neither for things nor support, just harmony when crossing their paths
17. that as my love for her being insincere and that there is something
18. “I’m he,” Garcia said, flashing an insincere, but bold smile
19. It also sounded insincere, as though under duress
20. We looked at empty words, words spoken which are insincere, have no meaning and they tend to disappoint people
21. An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild
22. Should she have allowed herself to get sucked in by Jessica Sanderson’s obviously insincere offer of friendship? No—again, her fault
23. It was his intention at the time to get to England somehow: even stowing away in a hold somewhere, or begging a trip with the people smugglers on their return journey, depending on their direction, and possible insincere integrity
24. and therefore it is insincere, deceitful falseness
25. I knew when I came to him I was insincere; he knew when I left he was, but I had not learned yet that we all are – no matter how sincerely we try to the contrary
26. Though I couldn’t be insincere to them even if both our lives
27. It would not do to have the young priest insincere, would not do at all
28. It was insincere
29. The result is so ineffective and lame, and insincere, and useless: that most intelligent people have come to despise and hate the very idea of giving money to charities
30. What was she saying? That he was insincere about his love for Elena? That he had dreamed her—Guinier—up again because he couldn’t let her go? That he had manufactured the concept of a soul mate in the first place? And that he should ask Elena whether she was, in fact, Guinier
31. But he must never be insincere in his work
32. The conversation was difficult, absolutely insincere and closed
33. Give her compliments, but do not be insincere
34. Insincere or false thinking is never great, however logical and brilliant it may be
35. Now, with an effort, he shrugged his shoulders and burst into insincere laughter
36. them were insincere, and she fell so bored and ill at ease in
37. That was the song that Steve Nieve and I had debuted as the opening number at Hollywood High School, as girls beat time with lipstick and let out insincere squeals
38. “Can we book a room?” he says, with his most insincere smile
39. In the investment business in particular this is a critical teaching, simply because the investment area is full of Bernie Madoff-like characters who will steal you blind, as well as those of a less insidious, but just as insincere, phony, and conniving class of individual that can be found in any business
40. But at the moment when he imagined himself calmed by such reflections, she suddenly came into his mind as she was at the moments when he had most strongly expressed his insincere love for her, and he felt the blood rush to his heart and had again to get up and move about and break and tear whatever came to his hand
41. were members of our lodge (a question to which I could not reply) and that according to my observation he is incapable of feeling respect for our holy order and is too preoccupied and satisfied with the outer man to desire spiritual improvement, I had no cause to doubt him, but he seemed to me insincere, and all the time I stood alone with him in the
42. After the first feeling of perplexity aroused in the parents by Berg’s proposal, the holiday tone of joyousness usual at such times took possession of the family, but the rejoicing was external and insincere
43. Everything: a carriage passing rapidly in the street, a summons to dinner, the maid’s inquiry what dress to prepare, or worse still any word of insincere or feeble sympathy, seemed an insult, painfully irritated the wound, interrupting that necessary quiet in which they both tried to listen to the stern and dreadful choir that still resounded in their imagination, and hindered their gazing into those mysterious limitless vistas that for an instant had opened out before them
44. She closed her eyes and gave an insincere shake of her hips
45. It seemed to her that both she and all of them were insincere, and she fell so bored and ill at ease in that world that she went to see the Countess Lidia Ivanovna as little as possible
46. The old man was evidently grateful to me and was enthusiastically delighted; but enthusiastic as his gaiety was, it was evidently insincere and might any moment have been followed by absolute dejection : that was clear from the first glance
47. The mere circumstance that I despised myself for not feeling grief to the exclusion of everything else, and that I endeavoured to conceal the fact, shows that my sadness was insincere and unnatural
48. were members of our lodge (a question to which I could not reply) and that according to my observation he is incapable of feeling respect for our holy order and is too preoccupied and satisfied with the outer man to desire spiritual improvement, I had no cause to doubt him, but he seemed to me insincere, and all the time I stood alone with him in the dark temple it seemed to me that he was smiling contemptuously at my words, and I wished really to stab his bare breast with the sword I held to it