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    quibble example sentences





    1. I gather that once, when he was a young man (very young I should imagine), he met her grandmother and was immediately struck by the resemblance Angie bears her … sounds unlikely to me, but who am I to quibble?

    2. To my utter amazement, he goes on to say that Joris’ last mission was to guard me on my quest to retrieve the last of the Elements, emphasising that without Joris’s protection, the task would have failed – he also manages to suggest that Joris had a hand in the retrieval of the other Elements without actually saying so – but I’m not going to quibble over that

    3. I don't think Philippe would quibble over the loss of one

    4. The only quibble I have with Socrates, as expressed by Plato, is that Socrates said, in a great expression of self-effacement, that he only knew that he knew nothing

    5. " Then said Andrew: "But if it is not wrong to eat the grain, surely the rubbing out between our hands is hardly more work than the chewing of the grain, which you allow; wherefore do you quibble over such trifles?" When Andrew intimated that they were quibblers, they were indignant, and rushing back to where Jesus walked along, talking to Matthew, they protested, saying: "Behold, Teacher, your apostles do that which is unlawful on the Sabbath day; they pluck, rub, and eat the grain

    6. Stallman, an atheist, would probably quibble with

    7. If she asked you a question, you better not quibble or obfuscate, or the hammer would be down

    8. “The entire population is at stake here! We do not have the time to quibble with matters of lesser importance

    9. But let’s not quibble

    10. He would not, he informed her, quibble over terms

    11. It was a terrible design, but this was not the time to quibble

    12. The quibble about whether they do it legally or illegally is a semantic joke

    13. They are one of the purest examples of the religious worship of technology on earth… and they still blow up… regularly… and everyone ignores that slight quibble easily

    14. time and time again with the same result—that of quibble and evasion pure and simple” “The

    15. This fact has been tested time and time again with the same result—that of quibble and evasion pure and simple” “The Indictment Of Eternal Torment—The Self-negation Of A Monstrous Doctrine,” page 254, F

    16. Neither is it a quibble, not a technicality

    17. In regard to the earth being destroyed, the quibble is raised to doubt it

    18. This fact has been tested time and time again with the same result—that of quibble and evasion pure and simple

    19. He had thought Anthony might quibble about Oxford, saying he should wait until he was older, or until one of the existing students graduated – for Anthony was a quibbler by nature

    20. “I didn’t call you here to quibble over the details,” he said, cutting her off

    21. Although we could have sold the stock for a few pennies higher than the current bid price, we decided not to quibble over pennies, and to sell for a 1-point gain

    22. Also, you have the will power of ten men; otherwise you would not dare veer away from the common flavors listed on the menu and order, straight out, without quibble or reservation, such an unheard-of thing as lime-vanilla ice

    23. “A profound remark! A most ingenious quibble! He went to Millcote this morning, and will be back here tonight or to-morrow: does that circumstance exclude him from the list of your acquaintance—blot him, as it were, out of existence?”

    1. " Although some still quibbled with the term, all attendees agreed

    1. quibbles and took stock of Royal Holdings the King was primarily

    2. Legend cares naught for quibbles

    3. 'What's the good of writing quibbles

    1. The Elf held up her hand again and the quibbling ceased abruptly

    2. or rather Jenova using Sephiroth's face and body and appearance, but quibbling about that made no difference

    3. Despite the constant quibbling over the contract, we had become friendly and a measure of trust developed between us

    4. The quibbling neglected equal right of the right to an equal rate of profit is never even mentioned or spoken of

    5. There is no doubt, nor quibbling

    6. According to numerous scriptures we are abundantly assured the penalty for sin is death, and that should settle all doubts with the most obstinate caviler and the grounds for quibbling forever swept away

    7. Quibbling does not change facts

    8. Brethren, there is much controversy over the word “consume,” but there is no rational grounds for quibbling over the word

    9. 'Why do people always think that one is quibbling when one tries to be precise? His plain meaning was that he did not want to see a priest that day, but that he would when he was "in extremis"

    10. Let us be happy without quibbling and quirking

    11. By doing so, investors are quibbling over eighths and quarters of a point (or their decimal equivalents), rather than focusing on the stock’s larger and more important movement

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    Synonyms for "quibble"

    cavil quibble quiddity bicker brabble niggle pettifog squabble dodge equivocate avoid prevaricate shuffle trifle chicane equivocation evasion prevarication shift sophism spar altercate

    "quibble" definitions

    an evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections

    evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections

    argue over petty things