Use "streamlet" in a sentence
streamlet example sentences
1. In one place near a narrow streamlet were nests of the passerine weaver birds, some hanging from fine branches along which even the bamboo snake would not have the temerity to crawl in search of the luscious eggs
2. Finding a river, I followed it down the slopes where it changed from a rushing streamlet to a raging torrent with white water rapids and finally, a slow-moving wide river
3. Continually, indeed, as it stole onward, the streamlet kept up a babble, kind, quiet, soothing, but melancholy, like the voice of a young child that was spending its infancy without playfulness, and knew not how to be merry among sad acquaintance and events of sombre hue
4. Here it came out of the rock in a little falling streamlet,
5. " Winding walks, bordered with shrubbery, disappear among fantastic mounds of rock-work, moss-grown grottoes, and tiny dells of fern; and under a ruined arch, gray with lichen and green with vines, flows a placid streamlet, spanned by a rustic bridge