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    1. She had put the money into the business account to enhance the publicity campaign and was quietly content about her unreasonable artwork profits for the year

    2. Instagram can be used to host a photo contest of campaign

    3. The use of hashtags is the most important factor when hosting a campaign; it is the way you are going to collect the images which are submitted by your followers, so you can properly categorize them once they are received

    4. Given her local fame as the woman who had a go, as the woman who stood up to racist yob culture, she was delighted to be asked onto the committee of the “Asylum Centre Campaign Group”

    5. Indeed, some of the less objective newspapers even started a campaign to rename football

    6. 'Oh, that Naseer? Yes, he used to campaign in the university elections

    7. 'Only a marketing strategy for a small campaign

    8. 'Oh yes, he is in the campaign

    9. That’s why the campaign managers had chosen her for the senate

    10. from downstairs in the kitchen, (b) the campaign sounds from the autos of

    11. a campaign auto continued in the background

    12. newspapers even started a campaign to rename football

    13. He was ready to begin his campaign of searching for the key

    14. [3> The campaign began

    15. campaign in Ireland, rather than consolidating his hold on England

    16. Tom imagined that the concerted campaign of

    17. Since Victoria's campaign to look more appealing to Theology, she had become relatively devout, even though she still never observed a Sabbath

    18. Commander Ammon rolled up the maps of the kingdom that lay scattered on his campaign table

    19. He is still in his body, in a campaign tent in another time and place

    20. Your physical body sits in stasis in my campaign tent but your inner self has traveled

    21. It was declared invalid, obscene and indicative as to how the campaign had been conducted

    22. door-to-door and working in the campaign headquarters while

    23. Use three main keywords and build a separate campaign around each of them

    24. In your campaign you would

    25. Zarko was standing on the city wall overlooking the plain of Dura when the first platoon of the Babylonian army arrived back from their military campaign

    26. That was said to be achieved using brute force, ruining rivals' campaign tours and even threatening people into voting for whomever it was that was giving her the money

    27. Had the king of Portugal submitted to those ignominious terms which his brother-in-law the king of Spain proposed to him, Britain would have been freed from a much greater inconveniency than the loss of the Portugal trade, the burden of supporting a very weak ally, so unprovided of every thing for his own defence, that the whole power of England, had it been directed to that single purpose, could scarce, perhaps, have defended him for another campaign

    28. I served in Brazil and the Turkish Campaign of the old U

    29. They finished their breakfast talking of the campaign of 2030 when Gaza was finally settled between Israel and Lebanon

    30. If the campaign, too, should begin after seedtime, and end before harvest, both the husbandman and his principal labourers can be spared from the farm without much loss

    31. He is not unwilling, therefore, to serve without pay during a short campaign ; and it frequently costs the sovereign or commonwealth as little to maintain him in the field as to prepare him for it

    32. Should the war in America drag out through another campaign, the American militia may become, in every respect, a match for that standing army, of which the valour appeared, in the last war at least, not inferior to that of the hardiest veterans of France and Spain

    33. Drawing all this material together, she could even make the case that there was a well organised campaign against them

    34. Johnny had to cut them down when the knees and the bottom of the legs wore out and he had his old campaign hat on with a hanky hanging down from the back to protect his neck from the sun

    35. The bottom line was though that we had become hardened and indifferent to death or even seeing people with the most appalling wounds and that was just another tragedy of this Gallipoli campaign

    36. After this cruise, he was ordered to serve on the steamer Colonel Hasmy that had been dispatched for the Brazos River in Texas to support General Zachary Taylor’s campaign against the

    37. meantime, the presidential election campaign was in full swing

    38. election campaign was in full swing at that time, and the country was having serious problems with the issue of slavery

    39. } The new debt which will probably be contracted before the end of the next campaign, may, perhaps, be nearly equal to all the old debt which has been paid off from the savings out of the ordinary revenue of the state

    40. Came close to WW III, which we would have won, but at what cost? Contrary to JFK"s campaign proclamations, there was no missile gap prior to his election

    41. Well, I"ve got a flash for the Kennedy admirers, or perhaps two flashes, namely: There was no missile gap, as John Kennedy claimed time and again during the 1960 presidential campaign

    42. in campaign contributions, he of course maintained that he had had to excuse himself to visit the restroom due to having drank too much iced tea

    43. Then there was his response when a reporter accused him of violating the law in making campaign solicitation calls from his West Wing office

    44. And then, while the money race was still on during the 1996 presidential campaign, he swore that he was not in the room when a Chinese General delivered a briefcase containing $600,000 in cash

    45. And when, during the campaign, a reporter asked what he would do first if elected, he came up with this classic riposte: „Demand a recount

    46. Obama built his presidential campaign around the “change” theme: “This is our moment, our time to turn the page on the policies of the past, to offer a new direction

    47. During 1964"s presidential campaign, Johnson told us that he was going to “take from the „haves" and give to the have-nots”

    48. This company – New Vistas – had clearly mounted a campaign to usurp every other advertiser in the promotion of its product, running at the top and a message at tail end of each break

    49. Johnson did all of the same things, only more so, starting with the bugging of Goldwater"s campaign headquarters at San Francisco"s Cow Palace during the 1964 Republican convention

    50. Recall that during the 1964 presidential campaign, Lyndon Johnson said that we"re (the government) going to take from the haves and give to the have-nots

    1. Fox commentator Bill O'Reilly campaigned for years against abortion provider Dr

    2. Every president from Ford to Obama has publicly pledged to allow Puerto Rico to determine its own future, as a commonwealth, independent, or a state Both major parties included Guam, Puerto Rico, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands in their presidential primaries starting in 1976, and most major candidates have campaigned for their votes

    3. After losing the presidency, he became a congressman and campaigned against slavery for almost three decades

    4. He campaigned strongly against its return under the slogan, “We built it, we paid for it, it's ours

    5. President Bush campaigned in 2005 about

    6. For example, Obama campaigned on ―Change‖

    7. Clearly going outside the law, the LSC campaigned against a tax-reduction initiative in California (Prop Nine) and against Ronald Reagan

    8. She was headquartered at the Carolina Inn, and, of course, she also campaigned in Raleigh and Durham, NC

    9. In the miniature world of Xuchotl each handful of feudists was an army, and the empty halls between the castles was the country over which they campaigned

    10. BC) campaigned abroad repeatedly, invading Libya to the west and going as far northeast as the Euphrates river, placing Palestine and Syria under Egyptian control

    11. And Johnson’s successor, Richard Nixon, campaigned by saying he would achieve peace with honor

    12. So Gorbachev campaigned for change as he introduced reform programs in 1986 and beyond

    13. She filed her candidature for the election and campaigned

    14. The one state where Modi had campaigned most aggressively had yielded the most spectacular result

    15. These were our Midsummer Night’s Dream columns, and Andrew had campaigned that they needed to be altered for their new, prestigious use

    16. So, when he campaigned in 1958 for re-election to the Senate, she

    17. Both Wilson and FDR campaigned passionately on anti-war platforms, and what’s more they believed in what they said when they were saying it

    18. Reagan has campaigned for Nixon during three elections

    19. Later this afternoon he will write a letter to a supporter in Idaho, stating that he has campaigned for Ford in twenty-five states and sent a million letters to back the president’s campaign

    20. After eight months pursuing a Rose Garden strategy, in which Nancy made sure that Reagan barely campaigned, talking to the media will be a nice little warm-up for the months of hard battle that lie ahead in his quest for reelection

    21. had campaigned for appointment to the Supreme Court fascinated Butterfield

    22. Wallace was seriously wounded as he campaigned in a Washington suburb the late afternoon of May 15, 1972

    23. When I finished writing my first book, Seabiscuit: An American Legend, I felt certain that I would never again find a subject that fascinated me as did the Depression-era racehorse and the team of men who campaigned him

    24. rugs, small articles which they had saved from Sherman and treasured but which they Old men who had campaigned in Mexico with her father came to see her, bringing visitors to meet “old Colonel Hamilton’s sweet daughter

    25. Their motto was ‘yes we can,’ long before Barack Obama campaigned with that slogan

    26. Socialists and some progressive liberals from around the world also maintained an international peace movement which campaigned for a general ceasefire, although the leaders of the countries in the war didn’t take much notice

    27. Gandhi and Congress had simply campaigned for independence, but the more likely it looked that the British would go, the more worried India’s Muslims became

    28. Nkrumah formed the Convention People’s Party which campaigned for the British to clear out, and in 1957 they finally decided to go

    29. He was born in Jamaica but spent most of his life in the United States, where he campaigned for equal civil rights for black people

    30. King was a devout Christian and he campaigned according to Christian principles of non-violence

    31. The IRA campaigned against the British presence in Northern Ireland

    32. I knew Frank loved that guy, had campaigned for him, organized his inaugural entertainment, so it seemed strange

    1. Knume had probably spent half the sleep down at Myimpaden complaining about Valla or campaigning for the lumber party

    2. The people have been campaigning for a complete return to Earth and these miners think they can go against

    3. This, however, did not stop my children from campaigning for a puppy

    4. It was only now that he realised the truth about what he had been campaigning against

    5. Thoughtful Americans felt a thrill of pity when they saw the unkempt and emaciated insurgents, who had steadfastly endured three years' campaigning

    6. On many issues Wallace was amazingly brave and before his time, such as campaigning in the deep south with Black candidates and refusing to speak to segregated audiences

    7. He laughed and agreed that it was worth all the misery of thirty years of campaigning in the Khanate of the Green Mist

    8. Both of them had been on campaign in the Khanate of the Green Mist for four years where they earned their promotions, had returned home, and wandered about for couple of years, ran into each other and decided to try campaigning in the Khanate of the Clouds, since they had heard rumors that the next campaign would be against a great empire, instead of the endless small tribes in the Green Mist

    9. “Yes, it is, almost full strength after two years of campaigning

    10. When we camped, we talked about hunting, campaigning, the weather—everything except why they were taking me to the Khakhan

    11. They would have to send their young men to be trained, but campaigning was never required

    12. they were campaigning in that town

    13. Necowee—Ani’ Yun’-wiya (Cherokee) brother of Ghigooe, who tells Karl about campaigning in The Clouds

    14. the concept that campaigning is more important than government

    15. In the process of trolling for votes, campaigning on “soak the rich” plays well

    16. AN INTERVIEW WITH ROSE KENNEDY It was my father’s idea to interview Rose Kennedy when she swung through Chapel Hill, campaigning for her son

    17. “You want an exposure without being accused of electioneering or premature campaigning

    18. the extortion of loot, favours, values or special treatment from one section of the population to be given to the campaigning minority

    19. Instantly, as if I had said that he would be buried alive in the depths of an Aztec pyramid, without bread or water for three hundred years, he erupted in pleading with the same vehemence of a campaigning politician and prostrating at my feet as an animal crawling, he begged me:

    20. Civil Society organizations have been actively campaigning to combat climate change

    21. There was great excitement in the household and the local Irish community in the run up to the election, with Bridget campaigning vigorously on the doorsteps and through a megaphone in Sean’s car

    22. She made it her priority to bring these facts that she learned on the doorsteps of Slough while campaigning before council meetings and resolve the issue as best she could

    23. election year and he was out campaigning

    24. Senator Smith was campaigning in Baltimore and stayed overnight at a hotel in the city on the evening of the murder

    25. Candidates for federal positions in congress or justice or the white house need to complete a detailed position statement, maybe 5-15 pages on the average, to identify and lock in their position on all key issues before campaigning

    26. The fact that Germany was a republic at the time allowed Hitler to continue campaigning

    27. What luck that she had been campaigning in Cincinnati that day

    28. ‘’Very well! Right now, I am busy campaigning against the traitor, Pepin of Aquitaine, and his partisans in Aquitaine, thus will have to deal with that situation later

    29. This will give the candidates time to do their campaigning

    30. Modi had been relentlessly campaigning that day across Bihar and Bengal, and had addressed half a dozen rallies

    31. Campaigning had ended in 121 seats in twelve states, but Modi knew the interview would be carried across all the channels which subscribed to the agency just ahead of the polling

    32. I remember meeting a few Delhi-based social activists who were campaigning against Modi

    33. This was quintessential ‘shock and awe’ campaigning, Modi-style

    34. But in the rush of the last phase of campaigning, it seemed he had no time for even a short conversation

    35. Her abhorrence of apartheid and her campaigning for its removal earned her the respect of black African leaders and the contempt of the white minority government as she threw herself into the movement against apartheid and, especially, the promotion of the

    36. While all the signs were building up into an inescapable picture of the cataclysm to come, he’d been campaigning

    37. The man is almost sixty and still campaigning

    38. Over twenty years campaigning had taken a toll on his health

    39. But now the buildings were built and the settlers were settled, and Jacob feared the start of a new campaigning season would soon be upon them

    40. In the last three years it had intensified not only its campaigning, but its violence had become more brutal and frequent

    41. early in 1994, he started campaigning for the general election

    42. political fundraisers, and campaigning against the Labor candidate

    43. campaigning that they barely spoke

    44. On November 22, 1963, while campaigning in Dallas, Texas,

    45. “All winter, he’s staying for the campaigning season with Uthyr

    46. And as was proper, he had Ambrosius’ old campaigning tent with him, his praetorium, and the men to erect it

    47. “Ambrosius’ old campaigning table!” and he went over to it, ran a hand over the top and gave a sigh

    48. with any major party and running as an Independent, not campaigning, and taking a

    49. If he had, and if he had discovered the truth: that the unseen things communicating with him are the very source of evil which he is campaigning against: not the greatest boon of mankind: they would never have let him on the air

    50. human rights listed above (in which case they should be campaigning

    1. All that Terry could do, once the dust had settled and his divorce had been dragged through the mire of the gutter press, was to lend his name and his former glories to endorsements and dubious advertising campaigns

    2. and dubious advertising campaigns

    3. While they were at the eye she looked up old advertising campaigns which were often in the form of seminars

    4. You can monitor your campaigns,

    5. nothing stopping you running campaigns on multiple providers and getting the

    6. Neither of these approaches is effective for most campaigns

    7. When the art of war, too, has gradually grown up to be a very intricate and complicated science; when the event of war ceases to be determined, as in the first ages of society, by a single irregular skirmish or battle ; but when the contest is generally spun out through several different campaigns, each of which lasts during the greater part of the year; it becomes universally necessary that the public should maintain those who serve the public in war, at least while they are employed in that service

    8. A militia of any kind, it must be observed, however, which has served for several successive campaigns in the field, becomes in every respect a standing army

    9. They necessarily become in every respect a standing army, after they have passed a few campaigns in it

    10. (Witness his continuing bashing of the tobacco companies since the death of his sister from lung cancer, all the while continuing to accept tobacco money for his various campaigns

    11. ) In twenty campaigns, on a hundred battlefields, around a thousand campfires, I have witnessed that enduring fortitude, that patriotic self-abnegation and that invincible determination which have carved his statue in the hearts of his people

    12. It is confined to enforcing the law for its operations, while the Army is limited only to the laws of war when conducting their campaigns

    13. Those arrests were for dubious political issues and probably were more of a desperate attempt by the Nationalists to curry favour with the ANC, for the generals constituted no threat to anyone…except the Nationalists because of their knowledge of the dirty action campaigns that they, the Nationalists had ordered

    14. During the Ashanti and Benin campaigns half-civilised Houssa soldiers in the British service found ice in the hospitals of the West African jungle; but in Cuba, an island adjacent to their own shores, the American army moved without an ice machine or arrangements for manufacture of ice on any of the forty transports

    15. Unlike his previous campaigns of terror and murder against isolated white Portuguese farmers the new Angolan government was not intimidated by him and actually fought back hard for he threatened their oil production

    16. We think of the free Mandela campaigns and many others including the recent ones on Gautama Bay

    17. Otis had earlier commanded US troops during campaigns against the Lakota in the aftermath of the Battle of Little Bighorn, and more than a few historians see similarities in the tactics used against and the treatment of the enemy and civilian populations in both wars

    18. Everybody was dressed in early 20th century attire; the ladies wore long dresses, couples walked arm-and-arm, and the men sported white straw hats like the kind they used in the political campaigns of the seventies

    19. In terms of just how destructive these invasions were, no other president comes close to Reagan, with two campaigns of state terrorism and one complicity with genocide, plus one direct invasion

    20. Not one single president has succeeded in halting their terror campaigns

    21. When Kennedy quit working with the exiles publicly, only two years later the bombing campaigns began

    22. All these campaigns of repression either originated in Washington, or Washington worked side by side with campaigns of repression overseas from virtually the beginning

    23. In the 1970s and 80s there were bombing campaigns by still more Puerto Rican terrorists

    24. To counter this opposition, Wilson set up one of the earliest and ugliest propaganda campaigns in US history

    25. Lost Cause partisans also led long campaigns to denigrate Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman, creating myths such as the supposed horrors of the march through Georgia

    26. He has even built rehabilitation clinics and runs public awareness campaigns aimed at teenagers

    27. A veteran of campaigns and peace-keeping in three countries, he was a tough guy who had long forgotten such debilitating fear

    28. Gordon was in unusually good humor, election campaigns had that effect, and without argument or hesitation, he agreed to a complete dry dock overhaul

    29. Serbian troops and militia routinely targeted civilians in campaigns called “ethnic cleansing

    30. He'd survived and emerged stronger but, with most successful campaigns, it had taken its toll

    31. Since there will be much less candy to give out under the mechanism, there will be much less money available to run campaigns

    32. “During the first century after the Hegira (AD 622–722); the Arabs, in ongoing campaigns, many lasting years, conquered Syria (AD 634–642); the Sassanian empire of Persia in 642; Armenia and Mesopotamia in 644, and part of northern Africa in 645–692…by AD 664 the Islamic empire had reached its greatest expansion

    33. “During the first century after the Hegira (AD 622–722); the Arabs, in ongoing campaigns, many lasting years, conquered Syria (AD 634–642); the Sassanian Empire of Persia in 642; Armenia and Mesopotamia in 644, and much of northern Africa in 645–692

    34. The military campaigns of Mohammed seem largely to have secured Medina, then Mecca and its lands to the south

    35. The campaigns of the first caliph, abu Bakr, dealt with defeating, then uniting all the tribal groups of the eastern Arabian peninsula who had been only nominally under the suzerainty of a previously weakened Sassanian (Persian) Empire

    36. The campaigns of the second caliph, Umar (before he became caliph), seemed to have been an expedition to Syria (AD 630) at the behest of Mohammed, then as caliph, conquering it in AD 634–642, as a follow-on consequence of this campaign he caused the collapse of the Sassanian Empire whose capital was Ctesiphon on the Tigris River (AD 642), then north to Mesopotamia and Armenia (AD 644)

    37. of the biggest contributors to election campaigns

    38. I have managed to piece together a good idea of the campaigns in the southern Khanates by asking questions

    39. “The campaigns interest you? Do you want to write a history of them like your grandfather wrote of his campaigns?”

    40. I have been on campaigns and I understand those who do not wish to speak of it

    41. He was a fierce warrior covering himself with glory in many campaigns

    42. He had fought with the Mexica contingent in Grandfather’s campaigns and had also served under Juchi and George

    43. Not long before his accession, he returned from the southern campaigns where he had served in both the east and west

    44. The latter and his half brother, Tlacaelel, had both distinguished themselves during the earlier southern campaigns

    45. Both returned to the south several times and served in campaigns in both Khanates

    46. The images were very lifelike rather than the usual more symbolic representation, and beneath the image was inscribed, in Mongol, all the campaigns in which the Ordu had taken part

    47. In this room were memorabilia from the various campaigns in the south

    48. One wall had a large map of the southern landmass showing the progress of the campaigns to date

    49. It looked as though I was fairly up to date on the campaigns, although there seemed to be more inland penetration in the eastern theater than I had thought

    50. I discovered he was also interested in southern campaigns and we agreed to meet on my next free day to study that wonderful map together

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