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    Usa "make known" in una frase

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    make known

    1. it has been made known to men: (6) to make known to babes His strength, and to make them that lack understanding (literally, heart)

    2. dwelling is in the law of the Most High, and their speech is to make known His strength

    3. me; If you will not make known to me the dream, with the interpretation of it, you shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be

    4. I have found a man of the captives of Judah, that will make known to the king the interpretation

    5. any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that you might know the thoughts of your

    6. 8 Then came in all the king's wise men, but they could not read the writing, nor make known to the king

    7. writing, and make known to me the interpretation of it, but they could not show the interpretation of the thing: 16 And I have heard of

    8. 3 Make known to me therefore the interpretation of this vision

    9. 1 And now, my brethren, I make known to you that when the enemy had surrounded the city, the angels of the Most High were sent,

    10. ' And when Methuselah heard the words of his son, he came to me to the ends of the Earth; for he had heard that I was there, and he cried aloud, and I heard his voice and I came to him; And I said to him: 'note, here am I, my son, therefore have you come to me?' And he answered and said: 'Because of a great cause of anxiety have I come to you, and because of a disturbing vision have I approached; And now, my father, hear me: to Lamech my son there has been born a son, the like of whom there is none, and his nature is not like man's nature, and the colour of his body is whiter than snow and redder than the bloom of a rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool, and his eyes are like the rays of the sun, and he opened his eyes and thereon lighted up the whole house; And he arose in the hands of the midwife, and opened his mouth and blessed the Lord of Heaven; And his father Lamech became afraid and fled to me, and did not believe that he was sprung from him, but that he was in the likeness of the angels of Heaven; and note I have come to you that you may make known to me the truth

    11. ' And I, Enoch, answered and said to him: 'The Lord will do a new thing on the Earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and make known to you that in the generation of my father Jared some of the angels of Heaven transgressed the word of the Lord; And note they commit sin and transgress the law, and have united themselves with women and commit sin with them, and have married some of them, and have begot children by them; And they shall produce on the Earth giants not according to the spirit, but according to the flesh, and there shall be a great punishment on the Earth, and the Earth shall be cleansed from all impurity

    12. Yes, there shall come a great destruction over the whole Earth, and there shall be a deluge and a great destruction for one year; And this son who has been born to you shall be left on the Earth, and his three children shall be saved with him: when all mankind that are on the Earth shall die he and his sons shall be saved; And now make known to your son Lamech that he who has been born is in truth his son, and call his name Noah; for he shall be left to you, and he and his sons shall be saved from the destruction, which shall come on the Earth on account of all the sin and all the unrighteousness, which shall be consummated on the Earth in his days; And after that there shall be still more unrighteousness than that which was first consummated on the Earth; for I know the mysteries of the holy ones; for He, the Lord, has showed me and informed me, and I have read them in the Heavenly tablets

    13. 5 So I make known to you, my children, and distribute the writings to your children, into all your generations, and among the nations who shall have the sense to fear God, let them receive them, and may they come to love them more than any food or earthly sweets, and read them and apply themselves to them

    14. ' And when Methuselah heard the words of his son he came to me to the ends of the Earth; for he had heard that I was there and he cried aloud and I heard his voice and I came to him; And I said to him: 'note here am I my son therefore have you come to me?' And he answered and said: 'Because of a great cause of anxiety have I come to you and because of a disturbing vision have I approached; And now my father hear me: to Lamech my son there has been born a son the like of whom there is none and his nature is not like man's nature and the colour of his body is whiter than snow and redder than the bloom of a rose and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool and his eyes are like the rays of the sun and he opened his eyes and thereon lighted up the whole house; And he arose in the hands of the midwife and opened his mouth and blessed the Lord of Heaven; And his father Lamech became afraid and fled to me and did not believe that he was sprung from him but that he was in the likeness of the angels of Heaven; and note I have come to you that you may make known to me the truth

    15. ' And I Enoch answered and said to him: 'The Lord will do a new thing on the Earth and this I have already seen in a vision and make known to you that in the generation of my father Jared some of the angels of Heaven transgressed the word of the Lord; And note they commit sin and transgress the law and have united themselves with women and commit sin with them and have married some of them and have begot children by them; And they shall produce on the Earth giants not according to the spirit but according to the flesh and there shall be a great punishment on the Earth and the Earth shall be cleansed from all impurity

    16. Yes there shall come a great destruction over the whole Earth and there shall be a deluge and a great destruction for one year; And this son who has been born to you shall be left on the Earth and his three children shall be saved with him: when all mankind that are on the Earth shall die he and his sons shall be saved; And now make known to your son Lamech that he who has been born is in truth his son and call his name Noah; for he shall be left to you and he and his sons shall be saved from the destruction which shall come on the Earth on account of all the sin and all the unrighteousness which shall be consummated on the Earth in his days; And after that there shall be still more unrighteousness than that which was first consummated on the Earth; for I know the mysteries of the holy ones; for He the Lord has showed me and informed me and I have read them in the Heavenly tablets

    17. 5 So I make known to you my children and distribute the writings to your children into all your generations and among the nations who shall have the sense to fear God let them receive them and may they come to love them more than any food or earthly sweets and read them and apply themselves to them

    18. 4 You make known the multitude of the fire; and you weigh the lightness of the wind

    19. 1 And now my brethren I make known to you that when the enemy had surrounded the city the angels of the Most High were sent and they overthrew the fortifications of the strong wall and they destroyed the firm iron corners which could not be rooted out

    20. 3 reproach us and say where is their God? And note as I was weeping and saying such things I saw an angel of the Lord coming and saying to me: Understand O man greatly beloved and trouble not yourself so greatly concerning the salvation of Jerusalem for So says the Lord God 4 the Almighty; for He sent me before you to make known and to show to you all (the things)

    21. 1 And he took me and led me where the firmament has been set fast and where there was a river which no one can cross 2 nor any strange breeze of all those which God created; And he took me and led me to the first Heaven and showed me a door of great size; And he said to me Let us enter 3 through it and we entered as though borne on wings a distance of about thirty days' journey; And he showed me within the heavens a plain ; and there were men dwelling thereon with the faces of 4 oxen and the horns of stags and the feet of goats and the haunches of lambs; And I Baruch asked the angel Make known to me I pray you what is the thickness of the heavens in which we journeyed 5 or what is its extent or what is the plain in order that I may also tell the sons of men? And the angel whose name is Phamael said to me: This door which you see is the door of Heaven and as great as is the distance from Earth to Heaven so great also is its thickness; and again as great as is the distance from North to South so great is the length of the plain which you did see; And again the angel of the powers said to me Come and I will show you greater mysteries

    22. 6 You did make known your power when you caused the bold Pharaoh the enslaver of your people to pass through the ordeal of many and diverse inflictions

    23. 7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and inquired of them the time at which 8 the star appeared to them; And he sent them to Bethlehem and said to them Go and search about the child diligently; and when you have found him come and 9 make known to me so that I also may go and worship him; And they when they heard the king departed; and note the star which they had seen in the east went before them until it came and stood above the place where the child 10 was; And when they beheld the star they rejoiced with very great joy; And they entered the house and beheld the child with Mary his mother and fell down worshipping him and opened their saddle-bags and offered to him offerings gold and myrrh and frankincense; And they saw in a dream a that they should not return to Herod and they travelled by another way in going to their country

    24. 2 But Jesus went up into the ship and crossed and came to his city; 3 And that man from whom the devils went out entreated that he might stay with him; but 4 Jesus sent him away and said to him Return to your house and make known what 5 God has done for you; And he went and began to publish in Decapolis what Jesus had done for him; and they all marvelled

    25. rites of entry as he burst in, eager to make known what he had found

    26. But make known these words to all your children and to your wife who is to be your sister

    27. " "Yea Lady said I "make known to me what they are

    28. The angel then said to me "Conduct yourself manfully in this service and make known to everyone the great things of God and you will have favour in this ministry

    29. Any more certain information you may have obtained respecting both Ignatius himself and those that were with him have the goodness to make known to us

    30. These men are learning that all I have comes from you, and that the life I live in the flesh is to make known my Father to the worlds

    31. When you have faith, when power from on high, the Spirit of Truth, has come upon you, you will not hide your light here behind closed doors; you will make known the love and the mercy of God to all mankind

    32. for destruction, 23 and that He might make known the riches of His

    33. …and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels

    34. and make known to others the birth of the child

    35. Without the resurrection to immortality, which was not make known at that

    36. Maybe she’d always been significant and it had just taken this further blessing by the Creator to make known to her the truth of the matter

    37. Without the resurrection to immortality, which was not make known at that time (2 Timothy 1:10; 1 Corinthians 15:18) all blessing and all cursing would be in this life-time, no blessing or cursing after death (Deuteronomy 28:1-68)

    38. If you would have them hate evil, you must make known to them a God whose very name acts as a watchword that sets their souls on fire

    39. Honour and virtue are the ornaments of the mind, without which the body, though it be so, has no right to pass for beautiful; but if modesty is one of the virtues that specially lend a grace and charm to mind and body, why should she who is loved for her beauty part with it to gratify one who for his pleasure alone strives with all his might and energy to rob her of it? I was born free, and that I might live in freedom I chose the solitude of the fields; in the trees of the mountains I find society, the clear waters of the brooks are my mirrors, and to the trees and waters I make known my thoughts and charms

    40. We grew up, and with our growth grew the love between us, so that the father of Luscinda felt bound for propriety's sake to refuse me admission to his house, in this perhaps imitating the parents of that Thisbe so celebrated by the poets, and this refusal but added love to love and flame to flame; for though they enforced silence upon our tongues they could not impose it upon our pens, which can make known the heart's secrets to a loved one more freely than tongues; for many a time the presence of the object of love shakes the firmest will and strikes dumb the boldest tongue

    41. That thou wouldst have me rob thee of it is beyond a doubt, for Camilla, seeing that I press my suit upon her, will suppose that I have perceived in her something light that has encouraged me to make known to her my base desire; and if she holds herself dishonoured, her dishonour touches thee as belonging to her; and hence arises what so commonly takes place, that the husband of the adulterous woman, though he may not be aware of or have given any cause for his wife's failure in her duty, or (being careless or negligent) have had it in his power to prevent his dishonour, nevertheless is stigmatised by a vile and reproachful name, and in a manner regarded with eyes of contempt instead of pity by all who know of his wife's guilt, though they see that he is unfortunate not by his own fault, but by the lust of a vicious consort

    42. As he was going in search of Camilla it happened by chance that he observed her boxes were lying open, and that the greater part of her jewels were gone; and now he became fully aware of his disgrace, and that Leonela was not the cause of his misfortune; and, just as he was, without delaying to dress himself completely, he repaired, sad at heart and dejected, to his friend Lothario to make known his sorrow to him; but when he failed to find him and the servants reported that he had been absent from his house all night and had taken with him all the money he had, he felt as though he were losing his senses; and to make all complete on returning to his own house he found it deserted and empty, not one of all his servants, male or female, remaining in it

    43. He approached me, and the first thing he did was to embrace me closely, and then he said to me, 'For a long time now, O valiant knight Don Quixote of La Mancha, we who are here enchanted in these solitudes have been hoping to see thee, that thou mayest make known to the world what is shut up and concealed in this deep cave, called the cave of Montesinos, which thou hast entered, an achievement reserved for thy invincible heart and stupendous courage alone to attempt

    44. I shall then make known to you something of the history of this man, which has been ascertained for me

    45. But the bird has a voice, and with plaintive cries will make known her fear; but the fear of this vast dumb brute of the sea, was chained up and enchanted in him; he had no voice, save that choking respiration through his spiracle, and this made the sight of him unspeakably pitiable; while still, in his amazing bulk, portcullis jaw, and omnipotent tail, there was enough to appal the stoutest man who so pitied

    46. It was rumoured that he had purposely waited for the solemn occasion of a large evening party at the house of his future bride, at which he was introduced to several eminent persons, in order publicly to make known his ideas and opinions, and thereby insult the “big-wigs,” and to throw over his bride as offensively as possible; and that, resisting the servants who were told off to turn him out of the house, he had seized and thrown down a magnificent china vase

    47. Herewith I make known that there is an attempt to be made on the life of personages of general's rank and on the Fatherland

    48. “You are aware we have all met here accidentally (to my great joy, I must add—to my very great joy); but, though I should be the first to refuse to divulge a family secret before the strictest rules of ordinary propriety rendered such a revelation necessary, yet, as my dear guest here appears to me to have given us to understand, by covert hints and insinuations, that he is not averse to the matter becoming common property (he will forgive me if I have mistaken his intentions!)—I cannot help feeling that the prince is not only not averse, but actually desires me to make known our great family secret

    49. Now a Christian cannot make known his knowledge of truth except by abstaining from the errors that lead men into evil; he must render good for evil

    50. Let all the material progress ever dreamt of by religious and scientific men be made; let all men accept Christianity, and let all the improvements suggested by the Bellamys and Richets, with every possible addition and correction, be carried out; and yet if the hypocrisy of to-day still flourishes, if men do not make known the truth that is within them, but go on pretending to believe what they know to be untrue, showing respect where they no longer feel it, their condition will never improve; on the contrary, it will become worse

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