Usar "subject" en una oración
subject oraciones de ejemplo
1. That is why we are going to explore this subject on this
2. I can confirm to you that, subject to formal ABC accreditation, it easily fits in the category of [0 – 10] copies [and sadly I do mean easily!]
3. available wal in the city and had more earthly subject matters
4. In case of hospitalisation, the expenses that are incurred will be taken care of by this policy subject to the limit of the cover
5. Of course, the reimbursements of expenses are subject to conditions
6. She changed the subject to his camp and gushed about that a bit, the whole point being to find out where he got the money
7. Subject: Moths in the House
8. The youngsters in particular, who are more enlightened these days and have not been subject to foreign rule like many of us, there is a lot of resentment to rules and regulations that are practiced simply to put spokes in the development initiatives
9. ‘Any messages for me?’ he asked, changing the subject and finishing off his meal
10. Audience has to be interested in listening to your views on the chosen subject because of your experience, knowledge and the clarity of presentation
11. "So where do you figure he's taken the shuttlecraft?" she asked, fishing for a subject he would speak on
12. ’ Stephen said, changing the subject
13. ‘Your mother just happened to call round and the subject just happened to come up … and she just happened to mention it to you?’ I said archly
14. That subject is covered in the chapter on Pest controls
15. At least women were a subject he could teach the kid about
16. thoughts on the subject of my
17. Stephen stares at the screen as though completely immersed in the subject under discussion
18. The cross-legged attitude has been, and still is, much used in the Orient, and many books have been written on the subject
19. ‘Do you fancy a cuppa?’ I suggested, changing the subject as, conveniently, we arrive at the tea tent
20. ’ I said trying to remember what Doreen said on the subject
21. He didn't know what shonggot was so he had to look that up and found more information than he had on any subject so far
22. This site has articles on gerontology and linkages to other sites to get more information on the subject
23. That allowed her to change the subject, she gave up grilling him for fear of doostEr talking of her fetish for virgins in front of Estwig
24. ’ I said, pursuing the subject
25. ‘Do you want me to organise something to eat?’ I suggested, my imagination running riot on the subject of this idea of his
26. It is subject (the action doer) of the verb
27. The action verb ‘laughs’ stops with the action doer ‘world’ (subject)
28. ) In 1, the intransitive 'stopped' ends with the subject 'he', and 'to smoke' tells us why he stopped
29. subject of the transitive verb ‘saw’
30. "It is because my programming is so advanced that I am able to become intoxicated and thus expound wisely on any subject
31. ’ Stephen said, changing the subject abruptly
32. We stroll along the field together as I contemplate the subject
33. ’ He said, dropping the subject
34. The entire world was subject to the
35. But always, my mind returned to the same subject
36. ’ He said, returning to the old subject again
37. One look at his eyes was enough for me to change the subject
38. It seems like ages before I can decently change the subject but, after an eternity, she runs down on the subject of Andy and his transgressions
39. Naturally, we get round to the subject of the Remembrance Day service and Henry tells me some more stories about his days in the Home Guard
40. Contemplating the subject one evening as I sweep the hall, I conclude that the one consolation about sex in one’s later years is the fact one cannot get pregnant
41. "Women were protected in my day," he said and tried to turn his head from the subject
42. ’ I said changing the subject to something less contentious
43. Christ? Is Christ somehow demeaned by the fact that He is subject to the Father? The
44. He seems to be a very agreeable person, and the subject interests me a lot; moreover, the lecture is taking place at a centre of Buddhism which is only some metres away from Aphrodite's house!
45. " Before I can reply, Apollo quickly changes the subject, "What happened to her? And I can only respond with my ignorance
46. A attempt to change the subject to our son, "He came with me you know, it's the reason why we are here
47. Robbie turned and started to pace around the room, warming to his subject
48. So much of what we said was lost in the sheer exuberance of the moment, and of all the things that we probably chatted about only one subject sticks in my mind
49. Once we finished with our tales of capture, we moved on to the subject of other hostages
50. ’ Angie commented, diverted from the subject of the hotel
1. You can still be assured of one thing though; I will never allow this book to be subjected to the humiliation of product placement
2. Church is subjected to time set for that worship service
3. Everything in heaven and earth is subjected and responds
4. She didn't come back into flesh to volunteer to have that flesh subjected to all kinds of needless perils
5. The methods used by spiritual masters so as to break their disciples' Ego are mostly red herrings, sophistry or rhetorical tricks; the listeners seldom oppose to them, because of excessive psychological pressure they are usually subjected to
6. Sometimes we are given lessons by Harry, the brightest example of obedience in Janus, who trumpets forth that: “Disciples who are entirely subjected to their master, have a good chance of reaching illumination – no matter who the master is, no matter if the master is a complete idiot! It doesn't matter who you obey; the important thing is to obey!”
7. Alfred hung on this conversation wondering if he was going to hear them make plans to have Alan subjected to this to find out if he really was from Earth
8. That evening, with a four pack empty on the already crowded coffee table, their mother subjected both of the children to another verbal assault while their father sat slumped in an alcoholic stupor in front of the television
9. The eyes should never be subjected to strain of any kind, and all possible care should be taken to protect them from this
10. Nerves and ligaments of the spine arc subjected to a healthy pull, and the spinal nerve roots and sympathetic system are toned so that this posture beneficially affects the entire organism
11. These ordinary people cringed and winced as the experts subjected them to crushing and horribly patronising witticisms, The ultimate aim of this personal degradation was focussed on one thing; to single out only the most exceptional talents, while ensuring that the audience at home was vicariously thrilled and titillated by the humiliation of those who failed
12. the shock when he realised the place had been subjected to soapy
13. coffee table, their mother subjected both of the children to another
14. She had often been subjected to open hostility, and had developed good foot speed and acrobatic ability on her way to and from school
15. cringed and winced as the experts subjected them to crushing and
16. ‘You will only be subjected to compurgation in regard
17. players were being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, and their sons who
18. Every person involved in delivering supplies is licensed and subjected to ongoing personal testing
19. discovered that we were to be subjected to that terror of
20. “…You subjected all things under his feet
21. " For in subjecting all things to Him, He did not leave anything not subjected to Him
22. But now we do not see all things having been subjected to him
23. The exportation of raw hides has, indeed, been prohibited, and declared a nuisance; but their importation from foreign countries has been subjected to a duty ; and though this duty has been taken off from those of Ireland and the plantations (for the limited time of five years only), yet Ireland has not been confined to the market of Great Britain for the sale of its surplus hides, or of those which are not manufactured at home
24. The value of the precious metals, however, must be lower in Spain and Portugal than in any other part of Europe, as they come from those countries to all other parts of Europe, loaded, not only with a freight and an insurance, but with the expense of smuggling, their exportation being either prohibited or subjected to a duty
25. If bankers are restrained from issuing any circulating bank notes, or notes payable to the bearer, for less than a certain sum; and if they are subjected to the obligation of an immediate and unconditional payment of such bank notes as soon as presented, their trade may, with safety to the public, be rendered in all other respects perfectly free
26. being almost entirely arbitrary, subjected the tenant to many vexations
27. Yet somehow, for some reason, he was seemingly being punished by his corrupt government, or the badly managed economic structure, or the power-mongering banking system, or perhaps even by God himself! Who were the true villains in this nasty, unspeakable situation he had been so unfairly subjected to? Who was to blame! The culprits had to be identified quickly so they could be scolded and punished and then things could be put back the way they were
28. This permits him to hone in on minute movements on the forest floor that would surely go undetected by you and me—not only due to our lesser developed ear antennas we’ve got plopped on each side, but more so caused by our constant inner noise and mental distraction that we are subjected to by our ever-present and overly-active ego
29. Spain and Portugal, the proprietors of the principal mines which supply Europe with those metals, have either prohibited their exportation under the severest penalties, or subjected it to a considerable duty
30. One who had also been subjected to the oft-named ‘evils of the elves’
31. of the rate or value, was laid upon all French goods; while the goods of other nations were, the greater part of them, subjected to much lighter duties, seldom exceeding five per cent
32. The wine, brandy, salt, and vinegar of France, were indeed excepted; these commodities being subjected to other heavy duties, either by other laws, or by particular clauses of the same law
33. disadvantageous exchange must have subjected their merchants, such small states, when they began to attend to the interest of trade, have frequently enacted that foreign bills of exchange of a certain value should be paid, not in common currency, but by an order upon, or by a transfer in the books of a certain bank, established upon the credit, and under the protection of the state, this bank being always obliged to pay, in good and true money, exactly according to the standard of the state
34. It is in consequence of these maxims, that the commerce between France and England has, in both countries, been subjected to so many discouragements and restraints
35. It has happened in France, as well as in England, though in France there was not only no bounty, but, till 1764, the exportation of corn was subjected to a general prohibition
36. the quarter, was subjected to a duty of 16s
37. Yet, till wheat has risen above this latter price, it was, by this statute, subjected to a very high duty; and, till it had risen above the former, to a duty which amounted to a prohibition
38. In this way, every new list member is subjected to the same series of messages
39. Even the oppression of the exclusive company, to which it was for some time subjected with all the other colonies of France, though it no doubt retarded, had not been able to stop its progress altogether
40. 52, all non-enumerated commodities were subjected to the like restriction
41. Both in the one way and in the other, it must evidently have subjected Great Britain to a relative disadvantage in all those other branches of trade
42. Masaru Emoto it was revealed that water subjected to prayers using these two words , would result in the formation of beautiful crystalline structures
43. If to each colony which should detach itself from the general confederacy, Great Britain should allow such a number of representatives as suited the proportion of what it contributed to the public revenue of the empire, in consequence of its being subjected to the same taxes
44. Except in Portugal, however, and within these few years in France, the trade to the East Indies has, in every European country, been subjected to an exclusive company
45. Such poor countries as Sweden and Denmark, for example, would probably have never sent a single ship to the East Indies, had not the trade been subjected to an exclusive company
46. the pound was imposed upon the importation of foreign brown linen yarn, instead of much higher duties, to which it had been subjected before, viz
47. The same commodities, upon which we thus gave bounties, when imported from America, were subjected to considerable duties when imported from any other country
48. 18, the exportation of wool was made felony, and the exporter subjected to the same penalties and forfeitures as a felon
49. The exportation of fuller's earth, or fuller's clay, supposed to be necessary for preparing and cleansing the woollen manufactures, has been subjected to nearly the same penalties as the exportation of wool
50. The exportation of the materials of manufacture, where it is not altogether prohibited, is, in many cases, subjected to considerable duties
1. The Jews had been able to keep from being obliterated by subjecting themselves to the rules of the State
2. She felt sorry for subjecting Alan to her whining about how little progress they were making on the tape
3. " For in subjecting all things to Him, He did not leave anything not subjected to Him
4. } Fourthly, by subjecting the people to the frequent visits and the odious examination of the tax-gatherers, it may expose them to much unnecessary trouble, vexation, and oppression ; and though vexation is not, strictly speaking, expense, it is certainly equivalent to the expense at which every man would be willing to redeem himself from it
5. By removing all prohibitions, and by subjecting all foreign manufactures to such moderate taxes, as it was found from experience, afforded upon each article the greatest revenue to the public, our own workmen might still have a considerable advantage in the home market ; and many articles, some of which at present afford no revenue to government, and others a very inconsiderable one, might afford a very great one
6. Fourthly, such taxes, by subjecting at least the dealers in the taxed commodities, to the frequent visits and odious examination of the tax-gatherers, expose them sometimes, no doubt, to some degree of oppression, and always to much trouble and vexation; and though vexation, as has already been said, is not strictly speaking expense, it is certainly equivalent to the expense at which every man would be willing to redeem himself from it
7. For weeks he had been on the road, suffering fools too gladly sometimes, subjecting his body into a trial of strength of will
8. He is growing strong in spite of all that strange water dunking to which your Ani’ Yun’-wiya are constantly subjecting him
9. “Raccoon Obake huh?” She said after I told her the torment that Akito was subjecting me to
10. These schools and the teachers they graduate are dedicated to subjecting the nation to the onslaught of these particularly tenacious brigades of the Civil War
11. Their recourse seeks to avoid the issues by subjecting those who disagree with them to smears, name-calling, and character assassination
12. then riding the donkeys and subjecting them to cruelty and torment throughout the
13. 1 And you were all humble boasting of nothing submitting yourselves rather than subjecting others more gladly giving than receiving content with the provision that God had given you; and attending diligently to his words you all received them into your very hearts and his sufferings were before your eyes
14. What awful torments could they be subjecting Sharon to?
15. "You know how shy she is, and subjecting her to it again on the ship wasn’t something I wanted to happen
16. The stone is described as enormous and he is barely capable of pushing it uphill subjecting his body to enormous work and probably – which we shall see later – to an even worse mental stress
17. 11 I am deeply impressed with the custom of Jesus in going apart by himself to engage in these seasons of solitary survey of the problems of living; to seek for new stores of wisdom and energy for meeting the manifold demands of social service; to quicken and deepen the supreme purpose of living by actually subjecting the total personality to the consciousness of contacting with divinity; to grasp for possession of new and better methods of adjusting oneself to the ever-changing situations of living existence; to effect those vital reconstructions and readjustments of one's personal attitudes which are so essential to enhanced insight into everything worth while and real; and to do all of this with an eye single to the glory of God -- to breathe in sincerity your Master's favorite prayer, "Not my will, but yours, be done
18. regardless of how many winning trades you enter and subjecting your account to
19. Although the freezing prevents their multiplication but these germs stay alive in a stage of not active as they are kept subjecting a cold condition in refrigerator
20. When we give in to greed issues, we are focused outward, subjecting ourselves to, and empowering the lower passions which have the potential of ripping down the protective shield in a matter of hours
21. The television studio, which had once been his ally, became a double-edged sword, subjecting his government to an almost unprecedented scrutiny
22. vided a setting to raise children properly instead of subjecting them
23. Fighting in words subjecting aggressive words is a knife holding culture changing the state of friendship and what was developed; anger sits at the bottom of the desire
24. “I suggest you tell the waitress you want it mild, best not be subjecting your insides to food you’re not used to
25. A one dictator boss subjecting his laws eliminated by socialism
26. I'm connecting to the world, not subjecting it to me
27. It will beat its body into condition, bend its mind to its will, subjecting both to regimens to discipline them into IT's ideal
28. The woman got married as a virgin much to the consternation of the secret cult that has tormented her for many years, subjecting her to various discreet manoeuvres and spiritual attacks
29. After subjecting him to a stare that
30. acceptance of this untruth about physics is equal to preposterous subjecting students to physiological
31. They pour out their lives for the persecuted sheep in China both in labors and by subjecting themselves to the dangers of imprisonment
32. a study by subjecting a number of children to a high-
33. ” I have carried his argument to the end of my ability, subjecting it to the most crucial teat, and it remains unshaken
34. It must not seem strange therefore that there exists a sort of occult identity capable of justly subjecting the second to the consequences attending the actions of the first:—Ribot on Heredity (King and Co
35. My uncles shouted at me all the way from your father's home to mine, for subjecting them to being treated as if they’re criminals
36. Where are the offices? I’m not subjecting myself to miserable working conditions
37. But they were not permitted swear allegiance to a government which was deliberately subjecting them to cruelty and humiliation
38. If you don’t have either, I recommend staying out of these markets because you may be subjecting yourself to disastrous losses
39. As a matter of practical policy, an individual bond buyer is likely to obtain fairly satisfactory results by subjecting himself to the restrictions which govern the investment of savings banks’ funds
40. There seems to be no good reason for subjecting them to more stringent requirements than in the case of other types of public-service issues
41. This example should illustrate forcibly the inherent unwisdom of subjecting investment selection to hard and fast rules of a qualitative character
42. Corporations had available a number of methods for retaining or recovering these earnings, without subjecting them to the penalty tax
43. They are looking, he says, for "two-inch putts," by which he means investments that will provide them with a high rate of return while subjecting them to a low level of risk
44. He’s much too important to anger further by subjecting his heir to indignities
45. At the same time he proposed carefully to nurse the Russian forces until the frosts came to their aid and the time was ripe for commencing offensive operations, and subjecting Napoleon to a second Pultava on the banks of the Volga
46. Elena Ivanovna turned out quite innocent; she had, as I have mentioned already, no idea whatever of subjecting the crocodile to a degrading corporal punishment, and had simply expressed the desire that he should be opened and her husband released from his interior
47. Even so the property of a government does not consist in being subjected, but in subjecting, and a government is a government only in so far as it is able, not to be subjected, but to subject, and so it strives to do so, and can never voluntarily renounce its power; but the power gives it the army, and so it will never give up the army and its use for purposes of war
48. Some believers, recognizing the Christian teaching as divine, think that the salvation will come when all men shall believe in Christ, and the second advent shall approach; others, who also recognize the divinity of Christ's teaching, think that this salvation will come through the church, which, subjecting all men to itself, will educate in them Christian virtues and will change their lives
49. Thus, I know that in Servia men of the so-called sect of Nazarenes constantly refuse to do military service, and the Austrian government has for several years been vainly struggling with them, subjecting them to imprisonment
50. Christianity says: Live up to thy nature (meaning the divine nature); make it subject to nothing; neither to thine own animal nature, nor to that of another, and then thou shalt attain what thou seekest by subjecting thine outward personality to visible laws
1. Please find out the subjects and objects in the following sentences:
2. He seemed to be a polite, nice guy; the three of us discussed various subjects and he proved to be an interesting person; he has sympathy with metaphysics too: he used to carry out astral projections but for some strange reason he can't anymore; yet, he can still see people's auras, he said
3. It's about three months since I first noticed a radical change in Persephone's behaviour: She is always shouting and laughing at top voice, she is trying to be clever and expert in all subjects, she is constantly asking for favours: “Type these poems for me” … “Tell your mother to sew this skirt of mine” … “Will you paint this picture for me?” … “Go to that public service and ask this or that” and so on
4. "That is all this is about after all, the Kassikan and its forty billion mortal subjects are pawns in Moamar's game
5. The three of us have a good time together, yet Tandoulou sets me thinking sometimes: On one hand she is intelligent and knowledgeable about many subjects; on the other hand she is rather bossy and obsessed with religion; she is also a scrooge, counting every cent she is to pay
6. It should be made known to all His Majesty's subjects that secrecy is to be maintained, now more than ever
7. “And she has also lost control of her subjects,” I inferred satisfied
8. He snapped over 1,000 photos of these complex coiffures, from subjects he found on the streets, in offices, and at wedding celebrations
9. On an inscription in the Temple of Minerva (Roman god), Pompeii boasts about taking 12 million subjects at surrender in 1,500 towns
10. ” Isn’t it remarkable that of all the subjects that could have been spoken of, only one is mentioned? Jesus spoke with His disciples about the Kingdom of God
11. This is why we needed to study so vast an array of subjects before we could even start to plunge into the texts dealing with Jesus and His Kingdom on this Earth
12. They allowed their minds to expand on a variety of subjects, especially ESP and telepathy
13. One of the basic Yoga asanas, it stretches the vertebrae to the maximum, and subjects the abdomen and its organs and muscles to a powerful massage
14. They were no better than any other cherub in other subjects, but they weren't any worse either
15. Only the most inventive and talented of her subjects would be able to engage with her grand-daughter on a mutually fulfilling and intellectual level
16. “On a happy note,” a smiling Rayne continued, “your Hold is filled with loyal subjects; many are concerned for you
17. Only the most inventive and talented of her subjects would be able
18. “These subjects are the subjects I know, the ones I did the best in are the ones I pursued at the Kassikan and then had a career researching
19. I don’t remember studying them here, but I didn’t study these basic subjects there either, I woke up in that drawer still knowing this material
20. “There are memories coming thru, just like I told that clerk, subjects I’d studied before
21. Once again Belle voiced her appreciation, but this time, like George, she was uneasy about the subjects and timing of their counsellors' anecdotes
22. There had been certain omissions, which Kaitlyn, in good conscience, withheld, knowing Harry's wishes on some subjects
23. Luckily we have picked up one of the subjects again, the other is lost and now both of them know they are being watched
24. These tests have been compiled by our faculty to discover your present knowledge of a wide range of subjects
25. 'The King will be disappointed that his subjects
26. They went on to other subjects, finding a new start closer to home, finding another to take Venna’s place
27. The date for the initial round of testing was published and all hopefuls were provided a cursory outline of the subjects which were to be assessed
28. There were more distractions for long discourses on the subjects of this book
29. “What you offered is about what I earned per course, per year when I taught university subjects, not reading
30. He received full marks during his Hundred year, largely due to it covering subjects and skills for which he had already demonstrated mastery
31. “You will, of course be presented with all accolades attendant upon a Malvern graduate, and special note made of your own achievement of Double First Honors with Distinction for those subjects which you have already completed entirely
32. After that she changed subjects a bit, “So your starship is now on Narrulla?”
33. It was a little corny at times, but it was very pretty because Kaha is an inspired photographer and her subjects, the people and scenery of Wescarp, are very beautiful
34. The three subjects we have experimented on so far have no recollection
35. They were a godsend for many of us because who had the time to read 100-150 pages of courtroom testimony in three or four different subjects and all the classes we were taking in law school
36. She knew that they talked of many subjects but whatever they had been talking about had been forgotten
37. in France than in England ; and it is no doubt upon this account, that many British subjects
38. 'If all goes well you'll have new subjects within the changing moons
39. His subjects loved him, and his neighbors feared him, and when he died he left his kingdom in a more prosperous way than ever before
40. For a king needs subjects and land and water
41. So what was the point of murdering all of your subjects and burning all of your property to the ground?
42. "I'll keep my probe in the classroom, this session has all new teachers and subjects in the room I can monitor
43. The retinue of a grandee in China or Indostan accordingly is, by all accounts, much more numerous and splendid than that of the richest subjects in Europe
44. Though it is not very probable that any part of a tax, which is not only imposed upon one of the most proper subjects of taxation, a mere luxury and superfluity, but which affords so very important a revenue as the tax upon silver, will ever be given up as long as it is possible to pay it; yet the same impossibility of paying it, which, in 1736
45. The questions continued for quite a while, randomly changing subjects as they had
46. You can go through the required courses at fast speed and dive into those subjects you have a strong attraction for
47. related subjects, which have threatened to disturb the peace of
48. His tenants were his subjects
49. In order to understand this, it must be remembered, that, in those days, the sovereign of perhaps no country in Europe was able to protect, through the whole extent of his dominions, the weaker part of his subjects from the oppression of the great lords
50. Among nations to whom commerce and manufactures are little known, the sovereign, upon extraordinary occasions, can seldom draw any considerable aid from his subjects, for reasons which shall be explained hereafter