Usa "avoid" in una frase
avoid frasi di esempio
1. “You’re just trying to avoid me
2. "And one of the hardest to avoid," Herndon said
3. Instead, we turn on the TV to avoid being entirely alone
4. We have to study them and take timely remedial actions to avoid ill effects
5. Similarly for good health, we have to avoid harmful diet, drinks and consumption
6. Avoid the use of irritants to the throat such as smoking, chewing tobacco/paan, etc
7. Avoid talking when food/water is in the mouth
8. Avoid standing for long periods
9. No reason to avoid sitting in the sun with a morning cup to watch the snow melt
10. This forces us to avoid certain hard, sticky and difficult to chew foods
11. Avoid rubbing your eyes
12. Avoid chemicals at all cost! Learning to grow without using chemicals is not as scary as it seems nor is it impossible
13. Instead of saying avoid chemicals at all cost, I suggest not using any chemicals that can harm you and your environment
14. · Avoid all canned and processed foods in favour of fresh or home-preserved foods
15. Avoid using anything with Urea in it as it kills the soil
16. ~ Avoid breakfasts containing large amounts of sugar as it give an initial energy boost, but leaves one feeling drowsy within a few hours
17. observe in our lives, the more chances for us to avoid
18. You need a cushioned shoe for comfort and to avoid injury when you’re exercising
19. Even then, avoid using any poisons since they will kill other animals as well
20. The Invisible Gardener says: “You can avoid many problems associated with high nitrogen use imply by understanding the organic system of providing nitrogen as the plant needs it
21. · Avoid using folding tables and chairs that can be tripped over
22. Avoid doing any thing that causes imbalance
23. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers
24. · Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, which places added strain on the kidneys and can impair mental function
25. Avoid arousing activities before bedtime like working, paying bills, engaging in competitive games or family problem solving
26. If you are unable to avoid tension and stress, it may be helpful to learn relaxation therapy from a trained professional
27. Finally, avoid exposure to bright before bedtime because it signals the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is time to awaken, not to sleep
28. Nobody can avoid all stress without completely dropping out of society and becoming a monk
29. "What are they going to do with the disease they're carrying?" she asked, glad to avoid a discussion of how 'ex' they were
30. He to avoid the horror he thought she was, she to have time alone to search the house
31. Avoid foods with chemicals as additives
32. Children, elderly and pregnant women should avoid completely
33. It nevertheless has to be used with caution and you must avoid breathing
34. It is a great this means is that cockroaches will detect pesticides and natural product to use for the laundry but this product avoid the area
35. Also avoid breathing or getting on cuts
36. By self-examples at home and outside we can avoid wastage in all these areas
37. Avoid dusting rugs, etc
38. Always avoid plantings that are closer than 2 feet from the house
39. Avoid storing your fire wood or wood scraps next to the house as this could support termites and allow them entrance into the house
40. Avoid plant boxes attached to the house unless it’s off the ground
41. Control the watering to avoid constantly wet wood
42. One should avoid new funds and restrict your selection to those funds that have been around for at least three or more years
43. Ensure that they are not beneficiaries or minors to avoid complications in the future
44. Specifically mentioning his name and the reason for eliminating him will avoid any future problems
45. Avoid urea base fertilizers
46. To avoid the dust, rock dust can be made into a milk like liquid and sprayed on the leaves
47. Avoid fish emulsion that has urea in it
48. Avoid wearing slippers and athletic shoes with deep treads
49. Avoid tobacco that has additives, and other chemicals
50. Avoid watering the trunks
1. Not a poison; all poisons should be avoided at all costs! Can also prevent dogs and cats from coming near your property
2. He didn't answer, but avoided her by going inside and using the head, doing his teeth, shaving, and crawling forward into the bedroom to load some fuel bags out of there and into the space that was free'd up on the kitchen floor during Dawnsleep
3. Chemical fertilizers kill off the beneficial soil bacteria, as well as killing off earthworms and therefore should not be used, should be avoided at all cost! In this environment, the lawn and its bio-system will be operating under stress
4. “Disease can be avoided by proper fertilization and proper watering techniques”
5. If this is avoided the benefits would out-way the problem areas
6. The carpet seems to have avoided the depredations of the last occupant of the rooms … unlike the bedroom carpet which is stained beyond belief
7. I avoided giving her a definitive answer, so she asked me to phone her before deciding
8. During the first two days my friend seemed to be so displeased with my presence that she even avoided talking to me – not that she has ever been communicative
9. What, then, are these unnatural foods to be avoided? These are the refined, processed, tinned and packaged foods, the worst offenders being white sugar, white flour, white rice and any other food from which the vitality has been refined out
10. Pickles, preserves, sweets and over-salted foods should be avoided, as should anything containing artificial ingredients
11. He carefully avoided the half finished cartons of Chow Mein
12. I looked down at my guilty boots and avoided his eyes, trying to think of some way to tell him
13. From the takings her husband was able to recompense his mate for the ruined cards, put enough cash in his pocket for a good night in the pub and leave Cyberia with enough housekeeping to keep them going for nearly a whole week, providing, of course, that she shopped frugally and avoided anything expensive like fresh bread and real butter
14. awkward situations like what occur on blind dates can be avoided
15. avoided, that is, as individuals, we would gather a perspective that we did not originally hold due to the listening of another's point of view
16. The realization of this finally sunk-in and he released his blame of the little seer; but he still avoided any contact with him because his presence brought back too many memories of Serena
17. The railway official avoided controversy
18. carefully avoided the half finished cartons of Chow Mein
19. She avoided more heaves and struggled to get up off the soldier she’d landed on, who also struggled to help her up by the chest
20. There's a diary entry which suggests that she feels any decent man would be disgusted with her, which is why she avoided any intimate relationship with anyone, although she appears to have had several opportunities, which, of course, must have complicated things horribly for her
21. livestock in this area is avoided, since it tends to attract the dragons
22. So whether it was from new-born genuine respect, or 'the Tiger behind the Fox,' villagers who once avoided Belle's eyes when she strolled the boardwalks on her errands for 'Home and Lodge,' now greeted her and the girls genially, warmly even respectfully
23. He avoided looking at Bethai for a few seconds
24. Hawthorne avoided at
25. 'What did he tell you?' His questioner avoided a direct
26. I’ve always avoided it by having some crackers in my pocket, but that is only a temporary solution…
27. 'Like I said, Templars who avoided arrest
28. Suddenly as if she’d touched him, he looked up at her and said “Sorry, that beast has avoided my hook for thirty years
29. ‘I’m afraid it can’t be avoided
30. But like his former mentor, Roman avoided the attack
31. Because of the silence, they assumed everyone beyond the city avoided Lock Core because it was under siege, or they were already dead and infected
32. He avoided the worst of the heat by keeping
33. The same most respectable and well-informed authors acquaint us, that when any person undertakes to work a new mine in Peru, he is universally looked upon as a man destined to bankruptcy and ruin, and is upon that account shunned and avoided by every body
34. And bands of any size were best avoided
35. avoided capture for the moment, but the road would be
36. I avoided the answer then,
37. If only he had come to her before – willingly, this might all have been avoided
38. The Mage reached out to him, but this time, the elf gracefully avoided his hands
39. future war between those two states could be avoided
40. I avoided the path where Palak stood, still waiting
41. If it was at all possible, Brontes would have avoided this confrontation
42. direct train to Chennai chould be avoided
43. This Turned out to be the perfect move… yet it was something to be Avoided at all expense!
44. Much misery could have been avoided had I summoned the courage to be ruthless
45. Ash deliberately avoided me and his easy acceptance of mine and Liam’s growing relationship bothered me
46. This was Death; the one thing that all living beings avoided and feared
47. He stole secret glances in her direction during the meal, but she avoided any eye contact
48. He avoided looking at the woman directly
49. They’d wrestled many times as children, but now he avoided the slightest touch
50. He avoided her gaze and she knew
1. I watch him as he crosses the room; avoiding meeting my eyes, he plants a kiss on my cheek
2. There’s no avoiding it, I am going to have to leave this house and move back to Bridgwater
3. It is impossible to receive the healing from God, while avoiding His
4. ‘Why should you think that anything is bothering me?’ I asked, avoiding the question
5. Instead he had to go completely on his own, keeping no council and avoiding attention whenever possible
6. Avoiding what it is that really makes our heart sing
7. ‘How long are you going to be around here?’ he asked, avoiding her question
8. " He thought she was deliberately avoiding the subject
9. Positive thinking is only the foundation; it is caring for your mind, nurturing it, avoiding anxiety and worry
10. I looked down at my sandals, avoiding confrontation even though they were taking advantage of their number and her sex
11. He mumbled something about avoiding a follow-on, which
12. in terms of avoiding trapped emotions in the future
13. ’ He said, taking the mug I hand him and avoiding my eyes
14. her positive feelings, and avoiding connection with
15. ’ He replied, avoiding my eyes
16. We’ve not put our feelings into words as such, avoiding any mention of the ‘L’ word
17. Agilely avoiding his embrace, she smiled her thanks and spun out of the room
18. and avoiding main roads
19. She trod along the path, avoiding as many puddles as she could, and arrived at the top of the cliff
20. There is no way of avoiding the inevitable recriminations
21. There – he’d thought it, the truth he’d been avoiding admitting to himself during those hours perched in the darkness
22. We have difficulty dissuading ourselves from the habit of thinking we are 'one;' so to not acknowledge our presumed 'unity' by avoiding saying 'I' is tantamount to denying our existence
23. Billy has to jink right as he approaches a hard right hand bend, narrowly avoiding the chevron signage in the hedgerow, and, oblivious to the state of the road behind him, he slams on the brakes, white lining, and slides to a halt
24. Avoiding any mention of business or studies, Harry asked after Mr
25. being too busy avoiding bouncing the car off the hedgerows to
26. more important issue that he seemed to be avoiding
27. It was like avoiding a dark cave in fear of a hibernating bear
28. 'Of course not,' said the little clerk, avoiding his
29. tapped his fingers together, avoiding the Cardinal’s gaze by
30. "Do you think she was lost?" Emma went on, although he appeared to be avoiding the question, by looking around the room for something
31. avoiding the use of Henri’s title
32. him and avoiding the traffic which seemed curiously
33. Never moving about freely, and always avoiding the prying eyes of the town’s people
34. " He changed the subject, avoiding the crazy, topic
35. In two minutes he had plotted a course to Port Hedland avoiding detection especially as most radar sites were not operational this time
36. caravan was avoiding the oasis
37. Avoiding the pitfalls of the prophetic
38. Avoiding Deception Other ways to keep on the path
39. Avoiding the pitfalls of the prophetic PROPHETIC PROTOCOL
40. The secret to avoiding these ideas is to always be pursuing
41. It would be an awkward angle getting in there and avoiding the masonry of the bridge
42. keeping the boat on course and avoiding the more
43. avoiding the subjectivism and preconceived ideas,
44. while avoiding the more highly refined varieties
45. “Leave all that, yaar,” I said, avoiding such remarks as a rule
46. The next day, Ash was still avoiding me
47. principle, but his major reason seemed to be avoiding trouble
48. Even the staff started avoiding him because he ceased to greet them, lost in his own thoughts
49. Avoiding procrastination means you don’t have to
50. You have been avoiding the problem for too long
1. studiously avoids eye contact, drums the fingers of one hand on his briefcase
2. “I cannot plot a course that avoids detection by JORN
3. The person commonly avoids thoughts of the event
4. It is a form of Creationism and a contemporary adaptation of the traditional theological argument for the existence of God, but one, which deliberately avoids specifying the nature or identity of the designer
5. It avoids convenient or simple solutions to complex questions or easy expressions for hard-nosed assumptions that require testing, at every level; prepared to accept in whatever manner, the pretentious challenges of misleading or presumptive propositions whose attainment is (sufficient) reward in itself
6. Henry Wallace Avoids the Cold War
7. from patients and also reduce the costs where the patient avoids paying
8. ) because its implementation avoids additional cost to the people and agreed organizations
9. In consequence, when ending with the state of possessions in the productive chain, the Project eliminates the serious problems of lack of capital of the organizations and it avoids scarcity or waste in the utilization of the resources
10. The Project with its actuation form avoids that 80% of the resources get lost in the means (processes) and it guarantees that these resources are utilized fully in its ends (result)
11. Our proposal gives to the Third Sector the chance of being the best altruistic competitor to the other sectors so that it accumulates immense financial capital in national and international level through to fundraising in the donation form with utilization of innovative methodology that avoids to spend the collected money, that is, paradoxically accomplishes all its process and it accumulates, without needing to spend it
12. Finally, it lacks system that avoids
13. c) High cost reduction of the social and economic activities with high gains and productivity because it avoids repassing the repetitive activities, the storage and the illicit purchases to the prices in the productive chain
14. With this, it also avoids the multiplication of departments or secretariats in thousands of organizations
15. With that, it avoids the mass production and it preserves the environment
16. All its actuation occurs without using the deposited physical money that will stay under the guard of the Central Bank of the Country in that is juridically constituted, this avoids that there are deviations, robberies or fraudulent action
17. With this it avoids the improper use of the offered income
18. Also, the new systematics avoids improper use of the products, it inhibits fraudulent actions, robberies or sale of those products in the market; besides, it recognizes and it localizes those objects in any region of the planet
19. With this, it avoids that somebody receives or make draft in money, it annuls the emission of checks or it impedes any legal right of drafts and it avoids patrimonial appropriation in judicial demand, including the governments, sponsors, introducers, authors and Teams of Coordination of the XUSING Project
20. It causes the international involvement with immediate action, it solves global problems, it generates conditions for the payment of the foreign debt and it avoids the isolation of the countries
21. It avoids economic retaliations or conflicts of interests among the country-members, as well as it puts an end to contraband, robbery, tax, import quota and wash of the money
22. The national and world benefits will be incalculable, because they put an end to the socioeconomic conflicts and it avoids Planet Earth’s destruction, without damaging its organizations and the people
23. in the international transactions, which it avoids
24. avoids the people’s isolation and the loss of the
25. a) Accomplishment of activity that avoids the
26. It avoids the transfer of the money between the people or socioeconomic agents; it also avoids its conversion for any type of existent physical coin
27. Also, it stops being convertible wealth in goods or products, as well as it avoids its possession as definitive property
28. Also, the process avoids the existence of the inflation, deflation, financial speculation or storage
29. This avoids the consumerism and the burning of resources through the fixed cost with the storage of machines, materials and products whose large majority generates wastes and it annihilates Planet Earth’s wealth
30. Observe that the methodology puts an end to the anonymous circulation of the physical money, it eliminates the anonymous exchange of merchandises, and it avoids issue of securities or physical coins
31. The unique task avoids the repetitions of cadastral registers, catalogs, documentations and thousands of other identical reproductions
32. Therefore, the simple change in the organizational systematics occasions high reduction of the social cost, it also produces immense reduction in the cost of the organizations, besides benefiting all the people and mainly the environment because it avoids the immense burning of resources with mistaken current system that utilizes the consumerism to leverage the economy
33. It belongs to the new Computational Monetary System and it avoids the loss of the wealth with burning of billion dollars for maintenance of the parity of the coin and its purchasing power
34. He avoids my eyes
35. While our intentions to help a person may be loving, we need wisdom to know whether our help will interfere with the results of their karma, and whereby the person then avoids resolving their personal issues
36. Let a man avoid the dangers of evil even as a merchant carrying much wealth, but with a small escort, avoids the dangers of the road, or as a man who loves his life avoids the drinking of poison
37. Is there in this world a man so noble that he ever avoids all blame, even as a noble horse avoids the touch of the whip?
38. “Yes, it avoids almost all the impact of the jump
39. Every so often, an insect lands on the water's surface—and if it is lucky, it avoids becoming lunch for one of the voracious little fish patrolling underneath
40. After ten years he stopped his daily shot of whiskey; now he still loathes frequent fried foods and avoids long stays in the mountains, though he would love even to live on them
41. Attributing causal negative outcomes to particular conditions, and then trivially noting that other conditions are not associated with those negative outcomes, avoids assigning any positive attribute to everyday
42. That avoids a messy dispute with the IRS like the one that plagues the estate of publisher S
43. The tourism industry also avoids mentioning the
44. This dilutes the very objective of the debate, and the ‘liberal’ thus avoids the necessity of proposing positive ideas and discussion
45. all the love that avoids my open arms
46. and thus avoids use of any external battery or other voltage of the transistor T1 (0
47. This setting avoids most of the whip saw effect and false signals that a fast indicator would give
48. She avoids Connie for weeks until Brink calls a meeting in the parlor one Saturday morning
49. The other agrees to come visit but subconsciously knows their friend is dying and so avoids actually visiting
50. Female moths can tell when a flower has already been visited by another female moth! A female moth avoids already-visited flowers; an adaptive behavior that makes it more likely that her offspring won’t have to compete as much for food!