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    galling example sentences


    1. galling when you’re providing the bulk of the labour -

    2. It is to expel those foreign capitals from a trade which their own grows every day more and more insufficient for carrying on, that the Spaniards and Portuguese endeavour every day to straiten more and more the galling bands of their absurd monopoly

    3. The men had long scrambled through torrent and thicket under a galling fire; the sight of comrades falling acted as an incentive, and, like a series of waves, the companies surged forward, the platoons irregular, commands mixed

    4. He looked at me with the most galling sympathetic look

    5. they choose, is galling to the Socialists, for it denies their very existence that is at the heart of their picture of themselves

    6. The bawling and braying slowly turned into the galling complaints of people who were being driven, in a direction that they did not want to go

    7. Yes, it was galling to have to resort to guerrilla tactics in his own back yard

    8. More so, that it should be a fellow South Indian made it all the more galling to his frustrated mindset

    9. Argos, Zingara, Ophir, Zamora and the Shemite countries were treated as subjugated provinces, which was especially galling to the proud Zingarans, who often revolted, despite savage retaliations

    10. Most galling to him however was the role of the Royal Navy in this

    11. How galling it is sometimes,

    12. it even more galling that he had been chased by the Police whilst in possession of a stolen

    13. galling enough, but the possibility that he was using her as a warm-up was infuriating

    14. And what could be more galling to the Whites than to see the despised niggers in numbers becoming the masters of their own women

    15. The galling noises of screeching and cawing filled the air

    16. In their present predicament however, while it may have been galling not to know whether they were awake in the middle of the night or the middle of the day, it mattered little in real terms

    17. Lack of information had placed them in the position of observers rather than active players and the inability to control developments was galling to say the least, particularly as the stakes were so high

    18. The dead and the living fastened together jammed into spaces barely enough to lie on one’s side…eating, sleeping, urinating, defecating, giving birth, going insane, horror and pain for the nearly eight week horrendous voyage…fresh air excluded, stench of death and disease exuded throughout the cabin…excessive heat, floor covered with blood and mucous, the motion of the traveling slaughterhouse caused skin and flesh to be rubbed off completely, rendering bones bare… The galling of chains a con¬stant refrain and reminder of slavery’s cruelty… co¬pious perspiration made air unfit for respiration…Preferring death to this life of misery, jumping overboard to escape death at the hands of an en¬emy… The Transatlantic and watery graves, but those who survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains

    19. The dead and the living fastened together jammed into spaces barely enough to lie on one’s side…eating, sleeping, urinating, defecating, giving birth, going insane, horror and pain for the nearly eight week horrendous voyage…fresh air excluded, stench of death and disease exuded throughout the cabin…excessive heat, floor covered with blood and mucous, the motion of the traveling slaughterhouse caused skin and flesh to be rubbed off completely, rendering bones bare… The galling of chains a constant refrain and reminder of slavery’s cruelty… copious perspiration made air unfit for respiration…Preferring death to this life of misery, jumping overboard to escape death at the hands of an enemy… The Transatlantic and watery graves, but those who survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains

    20. Eventually, this resulted in a revolution, costing the blood of countless hosts of men and women and children, and because of the confusion of main, it broke up into numerous factions and parties, each confined and circumscribed by the same principles which had dominated their rights under the galling yoke that had just thrown off

    21. With this uneasiness half stifled, and half reproaching him, he had been brought to the pointed comparison of himself with the brave old gentleman in whom duty was so strong; upon that comparison (injurious to himself) had instantly followed the sneers of Monseigneur, which had stung him bitterly, and those of Stryver, which above all were coarse and galling, for old reasons

    22. how shall I tell you?--A theory of a sort, the same one by which I for instance consider that a single misdeed is permissible if the principal aim is right, a solitary wrongdoing and hundreds of good deeds! It's galling too, of course, for a young man of gifts and overweening pride to know that if he had, for instance, a paltry three thousand, his whole career, his whole future would be differently shaped and yet not to have that three thousand

    23. guilty to, was still galling, as it roused bitter reflections on the situation of women in society

    24. "Can anything be more galling to the spirit of a man," continued John, "than to see his younger brother in possession of an estate which might have been his own? Poor Edward! I feel for him sincerely

    25. It must be especially galling to Symkyn given the way Duke Eastshare, with less than a quarter of the Army of the Daivyn’s current strength, had driven the Army of Glacierheart over two hundred miles in reeling retreat

    26. Ashamed that she was poor and reduced to galling shifts and penury and work that negroes should do

    27. “I’ve toted lots of weary loads but this is going to “If you only weren’t such a fool, such a sweet, trusting, simpleminded fool, it wouldn’t be the heaviest and most galling load I’ve ever toted

    28. Remembering the last harsh words Rhett had hurled at her about Rhett’s words and the children’s reactions opened her eyes to a startling, a galling truth

    29. helplessness and her panic at her helplessness and her hatred of the Yankees who had imposed this galling system upon the South

    30. how shall I tell you?—A theory of a sort, the same one by which I for instance consider that a single misdeed is permissible if the principal aim is right, a solitary wrongdoing and hundreds of good deeds! It's galling too, of course, for a young man of gifts and overweening pride to know that if he had, for instance, a paltry three thousand, his whole career, his whole future would be differently shaped and yet not to have that three thousand

    31. This could hardly have been more galling to any disposition than to Lydgate's, with his intense pride—his dislike of asking a favor or being under an obligation to any one

    32. It is a terrible moment in young lives when the closeness of love's bond has turned to this power of galling

    33. Under the first galling pressure of foreseen difficulties, and the first perception that his marriage, if it were not to be a yoked loneliness, must be a state of effort to go on loving without too much care about being loved, he had once or twice tried a dose of opium

    34. I have had a severe galling to begin with: that will make the small rubs seem easy

    35. Dorothea on her side had immediately formed a plan of relieving Lydgate from his obligation to Bulstrode, which she felt sure was a part, though small, of the galling pressure he had to bear

    36. Apart from the whole process being galling, it is also a window onto the fascinating realities of the margins of the market

    37. It is galling that the government takes another slice on dividends and capital gains after it has already charged additional tax on investing taxed income

    38. ’ Boris began, wishing to sting her; but at that instant the galling thought occurred to him that he might have to leave Moscow without having accomplished his aim, and have vainly wasted his efforts- which was a thing he never allowed to happen

    39. Sinatra had to bear the brunt of the investigation, whereas DiMaggio was able to walk away from it with nary a problem—especially galling to Sinatra since he had orchestrated the whole matter as a favor to DiMaggio

    40. Here’s … how shall I tell you?—A theory of a sort, the same one by which I for instance consider that a single misdeed is permissible if the principal aim is right, a solitary wrongdoing and hundreds of good deeds! It’s galling too, of course, for a young man of gifts and overweening pride to know that if he had, for instance, a paltry three thousand, his whole career, his whole future would be differently shaped and yet not to have that three thousand

    41. ” Borís began, wishing to sting her; but at that instant the galling thought occurred to him that he might have to leave Moscow without having accomplished his aim, and have vainly wasted his efforts—which was a thing he never allowed to happen

    42. It was as galling and bitter as a taste of wormwood

    43. Has it released from galling and ignominious bondage one solitary American seaman, bleeding under British oppression? Did it prevent the unmanly attack upon the Chesapeake? Did it arrest the promulgation, or has it abrogated the Orders in Council—those orders which have given birth to a new era in commerce? In spite of all its boasted effects, are not the two nations brought to the very brink of war? Are we quite sure that, on this side of the water, it has had no effect favorable to British interests

    44. But the last is the more galling, as we carry the chain in the name and gait of freemen

    45. I am not prepared to give up our rights, whether upon the ocean or upon land, whether commercial or personal; but I may differ in the means of avenging these wrongs, and vindicating those rights, and I shall ever differ from those who wish a navy to ride triumphant in distant seas, and, under a pretext of protection to commerce, doom the nation to galling burdens too intolerable to be borne

    46. Oh! how hard is my fate, how galling these chains!"

    47. The Romans, of old, had a practice of making the governors of those countries they conquered pass annually beneath their yoke, as a mark of submission; but we, doomed to humiliation far greater, are made to pass daily, nay, hourly, beneath one much more galling

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    Synonyms for "galling"

    annoying bothersome galling irritating nettlesome pesky pestering pestiferous plaguey plaguy teasing vexatious vexing burdensome demanding serious exacting onerous exigent troublesome

    "galling" definitions

    causing irritation or annoyance