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    1. She was having a good time on Vikenvor so far, but her reform was slipping

    2. If a person should at any time exceed in it, he can easily reform without exposing himself to the censure of the public

    3. To reduce very much the number of his servants, to reform his table from great profusion to great frugality, to lay down his equipage after he has once set it up, are changes which cannot escape the observation of his neighbours, and which are supposed to imply some acknowledgment of preceding bad conduct

    4. Few, therefore, of those who have once been so unfortunate as to launch out too far into this sort of expense, have afterwards the courage to reform, till ruin and bankruptcy oblige them

    5. Such a state, therefore, by reforming its coin, will not always be able to reform its currency

    6. Though those complaints produced no act of parliament, they had probably intimidated the company so far, as to oblige them to reform their conduct

    7. “Are you…” he had to stop to clear his throat and reform his words

    8. A French author {Le Reformateur} of some note, has proposed to reform the finances of his country, by substituting in the room of the greater part of other taxes, this most ruinous of all taxes

    9. Immigration Reform is unlikely to occur anytime soon for the (very) simple reason that such measures designed to quiet the tides of illegal immigration must necessarily conflict with the efforts of corporate lobbyists and their political minions in conjunction with private enterprises that have come to rely heavily on cheaper sources of labor to operate their businesses and who have repeatedly demonstrated their calloused indifference to rules of law and native born working men and women and are willing to operate outside the law if that‘s what it takes, at the expense of Native Americans for the ―benefit‖ of Illegal Aliens who are ―here‖ to collect a paycheck if nothing else, who routinely flaunt our nation‘s laws while abetting an underground economy injurious to open markets

    10. President Clinton recently signed into law, quite reluctantly I might add, a Welfare Reform bill, much to the chagrin of his party‘s left-leaning radical base

    11. Be that as it may, welfare reform is all well and good provided that it is supported by educational and economic opportunities

    12. The British very shrewdly as is their way started a land reform plan to negate some of the grievances

    13. Heed the warning of unholy alliances between Christians committed to genuine reform and Secularists seeking the Church‘s

    14. 3) A gradual departure from the Church‘s principled teachings in favor of social reform

    15. 6) The Church‘s position on Immigration (Reform) and its antiwar rhetoric that is especially troubling to Conservative Catholics who believe that the Church should shy away from politics and stick to preaching

    16. President Bush‘s flawed Immigration Reform Bill providing ―conditional‖ amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens must be reassuring to 1) (Moderate) Republicans who would consider its passage a political opportunity to place the party in better stead with Hispanic Voters and the Business Community, 2) Corporations seeking to attract Cheap(er) Labor, 3) Democrats who, for the same reasons indicated above, are uncomfortable with the idea of controlling our nation‘s borders at the risk of alienating a sizeable voting bloc and (who) would otherwise seize the moment, for purely political reasons, to challenge Republican proposals that (surprise!) ―don‘t go far enough,‖ 4) Multiculturalists and Internationalists likely to embrace such ―reforms‖ as a (positive) first step towards achieving their (respective) Universalist Agenda, and 5) Shakers of Western Culture who would seek its destruction at any cost for its own sake and who would therefore (also) consider such measures as an appropriate step in the ―right‖ direction

    17. His ―benign‖ approach to reform did not in any manner imply a moral neutrality but a call for public awareness, rather

    18. Dickens was in every respect a man of conventional manners and tastes who sought to reform existing (societal) arrangements without (needlessly) upsetting the social fabric

    19. How else does one explain his abysmal record on Immigration, lack of Social Security and Energy reform, reckless spending, expanding deficits (despite enjoying majorities in both Houses of Congress) while engaging the nation in a politically correct war that has clearly lost its momentum?

    20. Notwithstanding our human shortcomings, however, how far should any society be expected to tolerate, for ―unity‘s sake‖, irreconcilable moral and ethical misconduct that is quickly gaining momentum within political circles? Who remains accountable for the unseemly actions of our public officials who seem unwilling or unable to reform themselves, if not the Conscience of the American People? In what manner does that society continue supporting notions of unity in view of prevailing (double) standards that falsely qualify appearances as uncharacteristic or unimportant? In what manner does that society achieve consistency between public and private matters where

    21. This is the inevitable outcome for individuals seeking to promote reform without a clearly defined roadmap of the future

    22. The radical assumptions that defined that generation did not seek reform in the conventional sense but establish, rather, a new social order out of a vacuum lacking transitional (customary) support or intellectual substance of any sort

    23. Timid (and successful) marijuana law reform efforts in Alaska and Oregon ended

    24. Early progressives wanted to reform politics and end corruption, but they assumed such corruption came from easily manipulated poor or nonwhite people unable to govern themselves

    25. Conceding the argument that the war in Iraq, which I support by the way, has shifted momentum from the administration‘s domestic agenda, its reluctance to advance meaningful Immigration Reform in the wake of 9/11 has Conservatives and ―Moderates‖, alike, shaking their heads in disbelief

    26. Bush‘ presidency (mercifully) winds down, I am reminded of the wasted opportunities squandered by this Administration over the years including Social Security and Healthcare reform and advancing a Comprehensive Energy Program design to reduce our nation‘s (habitual) dependency on foreign oil

    27. We are living in a day and age when the gradual elimination of company pensions, uncertain 401K‘s and a social security system badly in need of reform are compelling most workers to manage their (own) retirement plans more carefully which, for many, implies wor king until the age of sixty five or older until (S

    28. ‘When he’s released from reform school he can find his way back the same way he left: hitchhiking!’ I couldn’t do it, though

    29. Even so, Carter's people pushed for reforms, only to see limited land reform combined with repression and death squads

    30. If so, it is hard to say if he would have governed somewhat like Reagan, or would have returned to his earlier reform efforts

    31. Ending Communism ultimately rose or fell based on its own failures or successes, or reform efforts from within

    32. Instead there are two reform minded and peace minded leaders in both the US and USSR

    33. In his home state of Texas he pushed for education reform and managed to outmaneuver and defeat both major parties

    34. If Perot had won, what kind of a presidency would this peculiarly conspiracy minded man have had? His main focus would have been on issues like term limits, campaign finance reform, and the deficit, as that is what he promised while running

    35. For what is real you don't need to reform

    36. No amount of reform however expensive or radical can ever bring success to a machine with such major design faults that it can never fulfil its function

    37. Was the end of child sacrifice the reform that they were unready to accept? Was the exodus south meant to draw those who would follow this “God most high” toward another attempt at this reform?

    38. There will be a sort of automatic demand-side election campaign financing reform, since lobbying groups will reduce their funding if there is less return to that

    39. apparent when we look at the role Shri Maharaj played in the reform of

    40. If you do not still reform,

    41. Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act that required agencies to issue ratings on

    42. The other very interesting part about this welfare reform is that the federal government turned it over to

    43. We did not join to indicate our displeasure with the reform

    44. announced that a reform had been accomplished to change the Commission to the Council but actually

    45. “czars,” namely, Director, White House Office of Health Reform; the Assistant to the President for

    46. The trial lawyers have opposed tort reform measures

    47. century later with Ross Perot and his Reform Party

    48. , though painful and humiliating, had a congealing effect on the country and helped it define its goals under a reform movement

    49. sentence, could be used for real reform and rehabilitation

    50. people, the reform is relatively difficult, but the use of time to let them know that they are honest if it wouldn't hurt, or interests are damaged, I believe that some people will slowly become

    1. The cloud reformed and hardened

    2. The entire roof structure had been shredded after the disc-craft had reformed itself and then taken off

    3. The Dutch Reformed Church tried from the pulpit to explain why black people are forever doomed to carry water and cut wood

    4. “Can it be broken or reformed with the blood of another vampire? Does it…dissipate?”

    5. Numerous people reformed their ways and started following the Vedic

    6. However, in 2002 President Bush decided that UNESCO had reformed and placed us back in that

    7. Article 39th - The current Statute the can be reformed any

    8. “Does this mean all the other squadrons will be reformed?” Sven asked Celina

    9. 18 For so the ways of those who lived on the Earth were reformed, and men were taught the things that are pleasing to you, and were

    10. Elizabeth had said that she wouldn't have power over him until she reformed; but she had obviously been wrong

    11. 26 But those who would not be reformed by that correction, in which he dallied with them, shall feel a judgment worthy of God

    12. 15 The man who is accustomed to opprobrious words will never be reformed all the days of his life

    13. A threatening of ruin to those that would not be reformed (Isa_1:24,

    14. The co-founder and leader of the Reformed Church, John Calvin, stated it was his

    15. Not long after dawn, the dust cloud had reformed, had grown much larger, and was definitely heading our way

    16. One of the tumen commanders of each group of three was appointed Ordu commander until we reformed at either the first major river or a strong enemy position

    17. I hope it reformed them

    18. Listening to Elliott say the RCMP has reformed its training and Taser

    19. In the spirit of collegiality I gave my government contracts colleague, a reformed tax lawyer from a San Francisco firm himself, one Jack Clark, a ride to our date with the AZ bar exam at U

    20. For example, it is said that a reformed welfare state has to meet criteria of social justice

    21. thought that traditional education should be reformed

    22. however, certain that the reformed belief will be the same as the belief that was destroyed

    23. “And who is the woman that has supposedly reformed you?” Mrs

    24. She’d been reformed in the same standing position she’d been in when the bolt had struck, and Mark had to catch her with a quick but gentle two-handed grab

    25. 12 you brought it up with your righteousness and nurtured it in your law and reformed it with your judgment

    26. This scene had not gone unnoticed by the soldiers who were being reformed under the stinging whips of their officers

    27. “I know of the two elves, and in both cases I’m very surprised to see that their mates are human! That dark-haired fellow is Dulyamil, the leader of the elven criminals of the plains of Debivin! I suppose he must have reformed himself and sworn Osbald’s Oath, or he’d never have made it past the Wards, or Relgemit’s security forces for that matter

    28. “Ironically, our reformed prisoners from your battle over Kletiuk have been of great value as advisors in this process, having recently experienced the sudden and complete militarization of Venak

    29. The neat groupings of one hundred, each with its own leader that Moshe had striven to produce on the first day of the march south, having slowly reformed into the looser arrangements of convenience, now showed almost no resemblance to its original form

    30. ” With that, he hurried to where the troops were being reformed

    31. Does the situation I have described change your opinion at all? Does it matter that the wrongdoer is highly unlikely to be reformed by physical pain? Does it matter that she came here not as a willing applicant, but as a caged transvestite? And, finally, does it change your opinion to know she is an artist with God-given gifts? I fear that a wrong step on my part could deter her from using her talents on behalf of religion!

    32. produce on the first day of the march south, having slowly reformed into the looser

    33. Finishing their slaughter of the Uphrians the Tanarian forces rushed down to stand with their commander and the men rapidly reformed the shield-wall in case the attack was resumed

    34. Their only chance now was to throw themselves at the reorganising infantry before they were fully reformed into an impenetrable phalanx, even he would have trouble in penetrating such a formation

    35. That’s where we send all murderers, rapists, pirates, and criminals tha’ can’t be reformed

    36. but you gave Chris back and they tell me you have reformed

    37. Back down in the valley Amalric reformed his ranks

    38. He reformed Czech orthography and established the Czech alphabet

    39. Without further discussion the egg reformed rapidly, as astral matter was

    40. The pickets wisely withdrew and reformed as a group closer to their base

    41. were at the avant-garde of the Đổi Mới (Reformed

    42. Saul’s assault group reformed at the same point they had originally staged before the final jump

    43. ” Refuse to patronize existing tracks, work to ensure that racing regulations are reformed and enforced, lobby against the construction of new tracks, and educate your friends and family members about the tragic lives that racehorses lead

    44. But they reformed into their group and torpedoed down upon them

    45. Yeshua reformed his group at the exit of the bathhouses, then led his followers up the stairs of the temple

    46. You cannot teach an ego to be anything but egotistic, even though egos have the subtlest ways of pretending to be reformed

    47. This Gospel that Jesus came to express is greater, much deeper, it is not about a reformed life, but a transformed life, and much different than the yokes of the Sadducees, scribes, and the priest of the synagogues, for it contained no such weights of performance, only Love and Grace

    48. The acorn is not going to be reformed to a tree, but transformed

    49. A possession in the inner man that takes us to that higher level of thinking, and understanding, a place where we are transformed, not reformed, into the body of Christ, that is to say; fitly joined together in Christ and Him as the head

    50. It’s true that, by definition, every nation with an interest in molding the future of Iraq has just that, their own interest in how Iraq is reformed

    1. They are part of the Matrix of Reality reforming

    2. Such a state, therefore, by reforming its coin, will not always be able to reform its currency

    3. This work was compiled by the order of the court, for the use of a commision employed for some years past in considering the proper means for reforming the finances of France

    4. “But surely,” responded Em, reforming her voice into a more even tone with effort Kay could clearly hear, “one role of a master is to take proper care of those he is responsible for

    5. I stayed in my car rather than sit on the wall, and stared at the white foam on the water, moving and reforming into shapes as the current directed the liquid orchestra

    6. As Man’s ability to visualize this Singularity has grown, God has seemed to feel the necessity of reforming some of Man’s past practices, his incomplete interpretation of this God’s desires, thus the warning;

    7. When that finally happened, David set about finishing Saul’s work of reforming a loosely associated tribal confederation into a closely-knit kingly nation

    8. “I am reforming my squadron!” With this pronouncement she motioned the others

    9. You see George, as she gets stronger, as time goes by and she get’s closer to reforming, her hold on you will begin again, although it will be flimsy compared to how it was in her animated state, it will still exist”

    10. The same determination applies against reforming requirements for certification or discipline of teachers

    11. you as an uplifting and reforming factor it your life, a mother, a

    12. During a hearing on Reforming the Congressional Budget

    13. How many more years will tax-payers tolerate being gouged to support a failing system that seems utterly incapable of reforming itself?

    14. Just at the time that Judaism was, chameleonlike, reforming itself so that Jews “could be like the other nations,” religious identity in Germany ceased to have the meaning it had when it was a choice from the heart, as

    15. When he looked up, the snow-raven appeared almost translucent, his shape splitting and reforming into tiny angles a thousand times, and then a thousand times again

    16. with one of the many clubs aimed at reforming the Democratic

    17. Bob’s wife continued in politics along with sons Philip and Bob, reforming the Progressive Party

    18. That the Conservative gov-ernment, he would say, with the backing of the Liberals, was reforming the calendar so that every president could remain in power for a hundred years

    19. During his time as First Consul Napoleon was instrumental in reforming the legal and

    20. That thought made him wish that the other members of his old band had survived the catastrophe: reforming their band would certainly help give back a meaning to his life other than simply surviving with his family

    21. and then reforming them appropriately

    22. When she was successful in retraining the workers and reforming them to the needs and wants of the organisation I got totally behind her and produced results that brought excellent results, productivity and profitability to the organisation

    23. So, it was Nagarjuna, who lived in the second century and started all this mess about reforming Buddhism

    24. The intellectual pragmatism of Rao had seen the imperative need for reforming the style and structure of the Indian economy that Nehru thought it fit to mold in the socialistic pattern

    25. All is the endless reforming of energy

    26. The reforming of reality by the Big Lie warps our limbic interface to be easily subjugated to others' interpretations of not only the perception, but also the experience of what reality is and, more dictatorially, what it should be

    27. the old reforming zeal survived

    28. It is true you would have some difficulty in altering a person like myself, long ago petrified into her present horrid condition, but even the petrified can and do get tired of hearing the unceasing knocking of the reforming mallet on their skulls

    29. See, the heart has already started reforming flesh

    30. So the messenger of Allah said as he was putting the prescription for reforming the Muslim society:

    31. The prophetic prescription for reforming

    32. Chapter two: Reforming life by legislation and religion

    33. But if it is an essential thing for some reason or the other, then you can, unless you are greater than those whom you are reforming, the effort may not lead to success

    34. the battle was not won; the infantry were reforming to attack

    35. ” The pain was lessening quickly and he could feel the bones reforming

    36. condemning that, reforming one practice and abolishing another, each of the three setting up for a new legislator, a modern Lycurgus, or a brand-new Solon; and so completely did they remodel the State, that they seemed to have thrust it into a furnace and taken out something quite different from what they had put in; and on all the subjects they dealt with, Don Quixote spoke with such good sense that the pair of examiners were fully convinced that he was quite recovered and in his full senses

    37. "He is reforming in every respect, apparently: quite a Christian: offering the right hand of fellowship to his enemies all around!"

    38. He had returned from Oxford a year ago, and he had been quietly talking to people about reforming the priory ever since; but, until this moment, he had not openly confronted Anthony

    39. I have, by my sins , run a great way into God's book, and that my now reforming will not pay off that score; therefore I should think still, under all my present amendments, But how shall I be freed from that damnation that I have brought myself in danger of by my former transgressions?

    40. Posterity, therefore, or I am far mistaken, will not be angered at my plain dealing with regard to the small motives of private advantage of which I have made mention, since it has been my endeavour to show and to acknowledge, that there is a reforming spirit abroad among men, and that really the world is gradually growing better—slowly I allow; but still it is growing better, and the main profit of the improvement will be reaped by those who are ordained to come after us

    41. The Sala of the Provincial Assembly (in the Municipal Buildings of Sulaco), with its portraits of the Liberators on the walls and an old flag of Cortez preserved in a glass case above the President's chair, had heard all these speeches—the early one containing the impassioned declaration "Militarism is the enemy," the famous one of the "trembling balance" delivered on the occasion of the vote for the raising of a second Sulaco regiment in the defence of the reforming Government; and when the provinces again displayed their old flags (proscribed in Guzman Bento's time) there was another of those great orations, when Don Jose greeted these old emblems of the war of Independence, brought out again in the name of new Ideals

    42. Farebrother's prophecy of a fourth candidate "in the bag" had not yet been fulfilled, neither the Parliamentary Candidate Society nor any other power on the watch to secure a reforming majority seeing a worthy nodus for interference while there was a second reforming candidate like Mr

    43. Brooke's success must depend either on plumpers which would leave Bagster in the rear, or on the new minting of Tory votes into reforming votes

    44. A new Theresa will hardly have the opportunity of reforming a conventual life, any more than a new Antigone will spend her heroic piety in daring all for the sake of a brother's burial: the medium in which their ardent

    45. He consoled himself with the thought that he fulfilled another of the precepts- that of reforming the human race- and had other virtues- love of his neighbor, and especially generosity

    46. For not to speak of his readiness in ordinary duties:—repairing stove boats, sprung spars, reforming the shape of clumsy-bladed oars, inserting bull's eyes in the deck, or new tree-nails in the side planks, and other miscellaneous matters more directly pertaining to his special business; he was moreover unhesitatingly expert in all manner of conflicting aptitudes, both useful and capricious

    47. But how do you know, not only that it is possible, but also that it is desirable, to reform man in that way? And what leads you to the conclusion that man's inclinations need reforming? In short, how do you know that such a reformation will be a benefit to man? And to go to the root of the matter, why are you so positively convinced that not to act against his real normal interests guaranteed by the conclusions of reason and arithmetic is certainly always advantageous for man and must always be a law for mankind? So far, you know, this is only your supposition

    48. You are helping the convicts; making the rounds of the prisons; reforming them

    49. to-day, Catharine to-morrow, and the next day Pugatchov; to-day the insane King of Bavaria, to-morrow the Emperor William? Why should I promise this to men whom I know to be wicked or foolish, or men whom I know nothing at all about? Why should I, in the form of taxes, hand over to them the fruits of my labor, knowing that this money will be used to bribe officials, to support prisons, churches, and armies, to pay for the execution of evil acts destined for my oppression? In other words, why should I apply the rod to my own back? Why should I go on wasting my time, averting my eyes, helping to give a semblance of legality to the acts of wrong-doers, play a part in elections, and pretend to participate in the government, when I know perfectly well that the country is ruled by those who control the army? Why should I go into the courts and be a party to the infliction of tortures and executions upon my erring fellow-beings, knowing, if I am a Christian, that the law of love has been substituted for the law of vengeance, and if I am an educated man, that punishment, so far from reforming its victims, serves only to demoralize them? Why should I, in person or in substitute, go and kill and despoil, and expose myself to the dangers of war, simply because the key of the temple of Jerusalem happens to be in the keeping of one bishop rather than in that of another; because Bulgaria is to be ruled by one German prince instead of another; or because the privileges of the seal fishery are reserved for the English to the exclusion of the American merchants

    50. He consoled himself with the thought that he fulfilled another of the precepts—that of reforming the human race—and had other virtues—love of his neighbor, and especially generosity

    1. In Korinthos and in Athens, scholars were debating reforms that would remove absolute power from the

    2. As I said this morning, I’m no oracle, but I see you bringing marvelous reforms to Ithaca

    3. made a constitution; by his reforms stopped the

    4. “And did he, Vasiledes? I’ve never heard anything about reforms

    5. I expect that once in power, however, the modus operandi will be consolidating power that may (ironically) impede the party‘s ability or willingness, for that matter, to legislate meaningful reforms

    6. Certain groups in recent generations, however, have been hampered, for political and social reasons, perhaps, by bureaucratic ―visionaries‖ whose (utopic) imaginations and impractical zeal for alternative (economic) reforms have repeatedly impeded economic progress, if not encouraged underachievement

    7. Recent events, however, have revealed a very disturbing trend; extending membership to ―former‖ antagonists whose ‖democratic‖ institutions and putative reforms remain problematical and its designs, (largely) untested

    8. Many Republicans, especially Northeastern Republicans, generally favored New Deal programs, Welfare and Civil Rights reforms

    9. Among its many reforms included an oath of celibacy taken by avowed homosexuals

    10. In this manner our oligarchical courts have evolved into ideological breeding grounds for ―progressive‖ reforms and social engineering where voter expression(s) are routinely overturned

    11. Guatemala, trying its first timid reforms, was smeared as Communist and then its government overthrown in 1954 simply for no longer outlawing Communists

    12. Though Batista was mixed Black and Chinese, the almost entirely white Cuban elites accepted him as a way to stave off more radical reforms

    13. Even so, Carter's people pushed for reforms, only to see limited land reform combined with repression and death squads

    14. In contrast, except for North Korea, every other Communist country without exception allowed reforms, often became at least partly democratic or at least less oppressive

    15. But they did so in response to Gorbachev's reforms, and he deserves most of the credit

    16. But with Stevenson, this is not a president or administration believing that reforms are a trick

    17. What this all potentially adds up to is an end of the Cold War, and reforms in the Soviet Union eventually much like what happened with Gorbachev in the late 1980s, but 30 years earlier

    18. Teddy Roosevelt's reforms included the Pure Food and Drug Act, which created the Food and Drug Administration

    19. The dynasties came and went as reforms and improvements persisted until there was a greater one whose leader was named Hammurabi, the Law Giver

    20. II - to decide about the reforms of the Statute;

    21. BC proposed land reforms that would favor small landholders at the expense of more

    22. The president could deport foreigners at will and social reforms were slow to come

    23. money, while doubting the promised reforms

    24. Perhaps, when she reforms, she will appreciate what she lost disobeying the rules

    25. You can obtain power’s which will guard against her hold on you, then one day hopefully before she reforms, her hold on you will only ever be enough that you should know she is trying to rouse you and nothing more”

    26. Not immune to this glaring double standard, the Ervin committee (which is to recommend campaign reforms) is finally, though reluctantly, recognizing that there are two pairs of footprints in the snow of the campaign trail

    27. to market-oriented reforms in their sclerotic labor markets

    28. perestroika reforms that dramatically changed the Communist world

    29. Africa’s Socialist countries adopted free-market reforms in the late 1980s and 1990s

    30. While the socialist party declined in numbers and influence, many of the social reforms it had advocated became accepted facts of American life

    31. in-voting reforms; and failed even to address congressional term

    32. These reforms allow the white working class equal access to such benefits as drugs, midnight basketball, and stray bullets

    33. They believed they could attain their goal by education, persuasion, and the gradual addition of piecemeal reforms

    34. covered, the anticipated increase in spending would make these reforms

    35. The three reforms thought by a significant majority that would help

    36. The British often tried to please the new revolutionaries with insignificant and insufficient reforms and take advantage of their weaknesses

    37. He was a member of Indian National Congress and was in favor of moderate reforms from the British

    38. He instituted other reforms, but these were the most important things he did: he instilled in Gorm a desire to see the civilized lands of the world; he taught the Picts how to work in iron; and he established contact between them and the civilized world

    39. As I mentioned earlier in the book, people are anxiously awaiting for what Healthcare Reforms might be voted in to help cut their cost on their employee benefits premiums

    40. As soon as the order to bury the dead in a common grave was carried out, he assigned Colonel Roque Carnicero the minion of setting up courts--martial and he went ahead with the exhausting task of imposing radical reforms which would not leave a stone of the reestablished Conservative regime in place

    41. 34 This mission failed, and Carey went to India where he worked for social reforms and evangelism

    42. Third it would negatively influence China's reforms and opening-up to outside world and communications with

    43. What other reforms? First, Education

    44. By those actions, you killed any possibility of reforms of the Korean economy and also insulted the Korean people by denying them the right to choose themselves their own government

    45. While the present Saudi monarch is a relative moderate and is trying to slowly introduce reforms in his country, there is no lack of very powerful Saudi figures with hard-line or even extreme religious views ready to play in his back, especially after the recent shuffle in the succession line made by King Salman

    46. modeled his reforms after European customs to his west

    47. His original reforms were aimed at fixing the sluggish economy where people didn’t feel the need to be creative or embrace their work

    48. The Julian reforms extended the calendar to 365 days, with an extra “leap” day at the end

    49. These easy reforms will restore true value to healthcare and effectively kill the plague of high cost and unresponsive service that is bankrupting millions of people and sucking more and more vitality from the American economy

    50. With accelerated learning reforms high school education can be every bit the equal of today’s college education

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    Синонимы для "reform"

    reform see the light straighten out reclaim rectify regenerate correct ameliorate revise amend remedy better renew amendment correction reformation amelioration improvement betterment